Editing verification point data

You can edit verification point data while creating or inserting a verification point in the Verification Point Data page wizard. After you create the verification point, you can edit the data in the Verification Point Editor.

Editing data verification points for listing elements

When you create a data verification point and choose the List Elements test, the data is displayed in a list format in the main data area of the Verification Point Editor and the Verification Point Data wizard page. The list displays the same information as the list in your application, in the same order.

Editing data verification points for menu hierarchy tests

When you create a data verification point and choose the Menu Hierarchy or Menu Hierarchy with Properties test, the menus are displayed in a tree format in the main data area of the Verification Point Editor and the Verification Point Data wizard page. The tree displays the entire menu hierarchy of your application, or one top-level menu and its sub-items, depending on how you recorded the verification point. If you chose the whole menu bar, each top-level menu is shown from top to bottom in the tree in order that they occur from left to right in the menu bar. Each menu item is shown under its top-level menu. Use the plus and minus signs to open and close the list for each top-level menu.

Editing data verification point for a table

When you create a data verification point and choose the Table Contents or Selected Table Cells test, the table data is displayed in the main data area of the Verification Point Editor and the Verification Point Data wizard page. The table displays the same information as the table in your application. You can edit which cells in the table are tested. Table cells in the comparison regions are shown with a gray background. You can also modify the metadata features of the table such as the column headers and row headers.

To change the data table, perform one or more of these tasks:

Editing a data verification point for a tree hierarchy

When you create a data verification point and choose the Tree Hierarchy or Selected Tree Hierarchy test, the data is displayed in tree format in the main data area (right pane) of the Verification Point Editor and the Verification Point Data wizard page. The tree displays the entire tree hierarchy of your application. Each individual item is shown under its top-level item. Use the plus and minus signs to open and close the list for each top-level item. By default, all tree items appear with a check mark, which means they are tested. Checked items are tested each time you play back a script with this verification point.

Related concepts

Verification Point Editor

Related tasks

Create a data verification point

Related reference

Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard

Selecting objects and data value options for data verification points

Verification Point Data page of the Verification Point and Action wizard

Insert Verification Point Data Command page


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