Select an Action page of the Verification Point and Action wizard
You open the Verification Point and Action Wizard with the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button on the Recording toolbar. Use the wizard to select objects to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them. This is how you record a verification point.
The Select an Object page is the first step. After you select an object, the Select an Action page appears.
Note: By default, the After selecting an object advance to next page check box is checked. If you uncheck the option, click Next to advance to the next page after you select an object.
On the Select an Action page, you choose an action to perform on the test object. The Select an Action page has the following four actions:
Perform Data Verification Point -- Insert a verification point Data command for the selected object to test the data in your object when you play back your script.
Perform Properties Verification Point -- Insert a Properties verification point command for the selected object to test the properties in your object when you play back your script.
Perform Image Verification Point -- Insert an Image verification point command for the selected object to test the image in your object when you play back your script.
Get a Specific Property Value -- Insert a getProperty command for the selected object to put a getProperty into your script and return the value during playback.
Wait for Selected Test Object -- Insert a waitForExistence command to set a wait state for an object during playback to check for its existence.