Run a script from TestManager

When you run a script, TestManager creates a temporary suite, runs the suite, and removes the suite after the run is completed. You can run a script either from the TestManager Test Scripts window or from the TestManager File menu.

To generate test case results, run the test caseĀ instead of the script. When you run a script, TestManager does not generate test case coverage results (even if the script is associated with a test case).

Related concepts

Local and agent computers

Run a script from the TestManager Test Scripts window

About this task

To run a script from the TestManager Test Scripts window, do the following:


  1. Click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational TestManager.

  2. Log in to the same project from which you logged into when you associated a Functional Tester project with the current Rational project.

  3. Click View > Test Scripts, and select the test script type.

  4. For Functional Tester scripts, click Functional Test GUI Script and then select your script.

  5. Right-click on the script, and click Run.

Run a script from the TestManager File menu

About this task

To run a script from the TestManager File menu, do the following:


  1. Click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational TestManager.

  2. Log in to the same project from which you logged into when you associated a Functional Tester project with the current Rational project.

  3. Click File > Run Test Script > GUI - Functional Tester - <name of datstore>.

  4. Select a Functional Tester script, and then click Open.

  5. To change the computers that are available for the script to run on:

    1. Click the Change button next to the Computers list.

    2. Select one or more computers or computer lists.

    3. Click OK.

  6. To change the build, log folder, or log name (where the results of the run are stored):

    1. Click the Change button next to Log.

    2. Type the new build and log folder names, or click the button next to each field to insert a new build or log folder.

    3. Type a new log name.

    4. Click OK.

  7. Click OK.

    TestManager runs the script on the computers in the list. As the script runs, you can monitor its progress and view the results in the Test Log window of TestManager.

Add builds and log folders

About this task

Here are some additional ways to add builds and log folders.

Add computers and computer lists to the project

About this task

Here are some additional ways to add computers and computers lists to the project, do either of the following tasks:

Note About TestManager Integration: Functional Tester is integrated with Rational TestManager version 7.0.2. If you have the 7.0.2 version of TestManager, you will be able to use the integrated features of Functional Tester and TestManager.


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