Delays page

You use the Delays page to set delays during Functional Tester script playback. These settings are useful to control the rate at which script commands are sent to the operating system.

The Delays page has the following controls:

In the Use Default field for each control, clear the check box to edit the value in the field or select the check box to restore the default value.

Delay before mouse up

Indicates, in seconds, the interval before sending a mouse-release event during playback.

Delay before mouse move

Indicates, in seconds, the interval before sending a mouse-move event during playback.

Delay before mouse down

Indicates, in seconds, the interval before sending a mouse-press event during playback.

Delay before performing Flex Test Object action

Indicates, in seconds, the wait before performing a Flex test object action during playback.

Delay before key up

Indicates, in seconds, the wait before sending a key-release event during playback.

Delay when hover

Indicates, in seconds, the duration of the wait for a Hover command, which takes no options.

Delay after top level window activates

Indicates, in seconds, the wait after making a new window active. This provides the application time to repaint the screen.

Delay before key down

Indicates, in seconds, the interval before sending a key-press event during playback.

Delay before performing Test Object action

Indicates, in seconds, the time the object waits before each UI action.

Restore Defaults

Restores the values on this page to customization file settings (if they exist) or to RATIONAL._FT.RFTCUST settings.


Saves your changes without closing the dialog box.

To open: Click Window > Preferences. In the left pane, expand Functional Test, expand Playback, and click Delays.


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