Comparing and updating verification point data using the Comparator

Use the Verification Point Comparator to compare verification point data after you play back a script with a verification point and to update the baseline file. If the verification point failed, the Comparator shows both the expected and actual values, so you can analyze the differences. You can then load the baseline file and update it with the values from the actual file.

To open the Comparator, double-click the verification point in the Functional Tester log in TestManager, or click the View Results link in the Functional Tester HTML log. For information, see the related topic about viewing results in the log. The Comparator banner displays the name of your verification point.

To compare and update verification point data with the Comparator:


  1. Play back the script that contains the verification point on a new build of the application under test. The log for the playback is displayed. For information about setting the option that makes the log open automatically after playback, see Logging Preferences Page.

  2. Open the log for the verification point.

    • If you are using a TestManager log, double-click the verification point in the Event Type column. If necessary, expand the Script Start command to see the verification point.

    • If you are using the HTML log, click the View Results link. (Note that if you experience an error regarding the Java plug-in when trying to start the Comparator from the View Results link in the HTML log, verify that your plug-in is configured properly.

  3. Open the Comparator from the log.

    • If one verification point failed, select the log in the Functional Tester Projects view, right-click the log, and click Failed Verification Points.

    • If you have more than one failed verification points the Results for Verification Points wizard opens. Click a failed verification point in the list and click View Results or Finish.
    The Verification Point Comparator opens to display that verification point. The Comparator includes the expected and actual data values. The expected values were tested. The actual values were captured in the application during playback. If the verification point failed, the differences are shown in red.

    For the data verification point types list, table and text, the expected values are displayed on the left and the actual values are displayed on the right. The differences are shown in red. For the data (menu hierarchy) and data (tree hierarchy) verification points, the expected and actual values are shown contiguously. The expected values of the differences are shown in red, and the actual values of the differences are shown underneath them in green.

  4. Look at the two data files to compare any differences between the expected and actual files. By analyzing differences in the Comparator, you can determine if they are intentional changes to the application or defects. To navigate through the differences, use the navigation buttons on the toolbar above the data display.

  5. If you want to edit the baseline file to update the information for future playbacks, load the baseline file. Click File > Baseline or click the Load Baseline to Edit toolbar button . The baseline file replaces the expected file on the left side of the display.

  6. To edit individual items in the data, edit them in the baseline (left) column of the display. When you finish editing the data, click Save.

    For a Data (Text) verification point, click Edit Text to start a text editor to make your edits. For other verification point types, you can edit directly in the baseline data display.

  7. For a Properties verification point, if you determine that the baseline value and actual value for a specific property are different, you can update the baseline value. In the Verification Point Comparator, right-click the property where the values are different, and click Replace Baseline on Current Selection.

  8. If you determine that all the differences reflect intentional changes to the application under test, and you want to update the baseline to reflect the changes, you can use the Replace Baseline with Actual Value toolbar button to replace the entire baseline file.

  9. If you have made any individual changes to the baseline data file (not by using the Replace Baseline with Actual Value command), click File > Save to save the changes.

  10. When you finish comparing and updating verification point data, click File > Exit to exit the Verification Point Comparator.

    Notes for ClearCase Users

    • If you use the Functional Tester integration with ClearCase®, you can check out your verification point files from the Comparator.

    • If the verification point baseline is not editable and is checked in, and you replace your baseline file (by clicking File > Replace or the Replace Baseline with Actual Value toolbar button ), Functional Tester checks out the script associated with the verification point as unreserved.

    • If the verification point baseline is not editable and is checked in, and you load the baseline file (by clicking File > Baseline or the Load Baseline to Edit toolbar button ), Functional Tester opens the ClearCase check-out dialog box to allow you to check out the files. If you check out the files, when you click Finish the scripts are checked out, and the baseline is loaded and editable. If you click Cancel, the baseline is loaded but is not editable.

    • If the verification point baseline is not editable and is not checked in, you cannot replace the baseline (the File > Replace menu and the Replace Baseline with Actual Value toolbar button are disabled).

    • If the verification point baseline is not editable and is not checked in, and you load the baseline file (by clicking File > Baseline or the Load Baseline to Edit toolbar button ), Functional Tester does not open the ClearCase check-out dialog box. The baseline is loaded but is not editable.

Related concepts

Verification Point Comparator

Related reference

Edit Test Object Appearance dialog box

Logging page


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