Application configuration tool
This dialog is opened with the Edit button in the Start Application dialog box, or by clicking Configure > Configure Applications for Testing from Functional Tester. When recording tests on your application, it is best to have Functional Tester start the application during recording. This makes playing back the tests more reliable. Use the Application Configuration Tool to add and configure your own applications for testing and starting with Functional Tester.
How to use this dialog box?
This tool is used to add and edit application configurations. To edit the information on an existing application, click on its name in the Applications list. To add a new application, click the Add button. Whether editing or adding, make your changes, then click OK or Apply for the changes to be saved.
Applications list
Select the application that you want to edit or view. Its information will then appear to the right of the list. The information fields are described below. If your application is not in the list yet, click Add to find and enter it.
Detailed information for Application
Contains the following fields:
Name -- This is the logical name of your application. In a Java application, this will default to the main class name.
Kind -- The type of application. It will be either "Java", "HTML," or "executable."
Path -- This is the full path to the application class file. The file path should not contain any spaces. Note that if you type an incorrect path here, the text of the path will turn red in this field to indicate the error. The path should not contain any spaces.
.class/.jar file -- The name of the application file. A .jar file should only be used if the .jar contains a proper manifest specifying the class to be run.
JRE -- This is normally left blank, because it will automatically use the default JRE you have set in the Java enabler. (The default is the one listed as "(default)" there.) To use a different JRE for this specific application only, type the name of it in this field, and it will override the default JRE when this application is run. Use the logical name of the JRE, which can also be found in the Java environments list in the Java enabler.
Classpath -- This is normally the same as the Path that is supplied above, or it may be blank. For additional classes to run this application, you can enter their paths here and they will get appended to the Path listed above.
Args -- This is blank by default. If your application requires command-line arguments, use this field to enter them. They will be passed when the application is started by Functional Tester.
Working Dir -- By default, this is the same as Path above -- the full path to the application class file. You only change this if you use a different working directory for this application. Sometimes a single period will appear by default to indicate the default working directory.
When you browse to a new Java application using the Add button, the Name, Kind, Path, .class/.jar file, Classpath, and Working Dir fields will automatically be filled in for you. The JRE and Args fields are optional, and could be filled in by you as described above. When you add a new HTML application, the Name, Kind, and Path fields will be automatically filled in for you.
Add button
Click Add to add and configure a new Java, HTML, or executable/batch file application. For more information on adding applications, see Configure Applications for Testing.
Remove button
To remove an application from the Applications list, select the application, then click Remove.
Run button
Use to run the selected application. This is useful if you want to test the application you are adding or configuring to make sure it runs correctly as you have configured it.
Apply button
If you want to save edits you make in this dialog box before making additional changes, click Apply . If you click Cancel, any changes you made before you clicked Apply will be saved, and changes made after will be canceled.
OK button
You must click OK when you are finished to save the additions or edits you made.
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