Making the visual editor the default Java editor

By default, Java classes are opened in a source code editor. You can make the visual editor the default Java editor.

The workbench associates file types with certain editors so that the proper editor opens when you launch a file. For Java files with a .java file extension, the default editor is the basic Java source code editor. Unless you change the default editor in your workbench file association preferences, Java files will not automatically launch in the visual editor.

To make the visual editor the default application for .java files:

  1. Click Window > Preferences to open the Preferences window.

  2. Expand the Workbench node and select File Associations.

  3. In the File types list, select *.java.

  4. In the Associated editors list, select Visual Editor and click Default.

Note: Changing the default Java editor affects what happens when you open any .java file, including JSP files and servlets.


Parent topic

Setting visual editor preferences


Related tasks

Customizing the appearance of the visual editor
Specifying visual editor preferences for code generation