Visual Editor
- About the visual editor for Java
- Laying out components using the visual editor
- Editing Java in the visual editor
- Working with SWT in the visual editor
- Working with Swing in the visual editor
- BeanInfo classes and introspection
- BeanInfo classes for JRE classes
- Tips for writing BeanInfo classes for the visual editor
- Source code generation in the visual editor
- Source code generated and parsed by the visual editor
- How the visual editor synchronizes code
- Customizers for Java bean properties
- Advanced options for debugging Java beans
- The visual editor Design and Source views
- Events, listeners, and adapter classes
- Java bean exceptions
- How it works: the visual editor and Java Beans
- The Java Beans view
- Layout managers and containers
- Code migration from VisualAge for Java to the visual editor
- The visual editor design palette
- The visual editor Properties view
- JSplitPane and its components
- JTabbedPane and its pages
- JTable and its columns
- Swing and AWT layout managers
- SWT layout managers
- Limitations for the visual editor for Java
- Aligning components using X/Y alignment
- Controlling BeanInfo information for plug-in developers
- Keeping beans and BeanInfo classes in different packages in the same
- Keeping beans and BeanInfo classes in different projects
- Keeping BeanInfo classes in a JAR file
- Specifying the location of BeanInfo classes
- Explicitly defining the location of BeanInfo classes
- Keeping beans and BeanInfo classes in the same package
- Create a new Java visual class
- Opening an existing Java class in the visual editor
- Adding a component to a class
- Deleting components from a class
- Changing component properties
- Reordering components in a class
- Resizing visual components
- Debugging a visual Java bean or application
- Developing Java classes with the visual editor
- Dragging and dropping with the keyboard in the visual editor
- Handling events with the visual editor
- Adding events to a component
- Deleting events from a component
- Viewing events for a component
- Viewing the source for an event
- Extending the visual editor for Java
- Externalizing text strings with the visual editor
- Specifying a layout manager
- Using null layout
- Setting visual editor preferences
- Customizing the appearance of the visual editor
- Specifying visual editor preferences for code generation
- Making the visual editor the default Java editor
- Using a customizer to change properties
- Directly editing items in the Design view
- Running a Java bean or application
- Configuring options for running a Java bean or application
- Using BorderLayout
- Using BoxLayout
- Using CardLayout
- Using FlowLayout
- Using GridLayout (AWT)
- Using GridBag layout
- Showing the grid for GridBag layout
- Adding or moving components within GridBag layout
- Adjusting fill, anchor, and inset constraints in GridBag layout
- Spanning components across GridBag rows and columns
- Adding a new Swing look and feel
- Changing the Swing look and feel
- Using FillLayout
- Using FormLayout
- Using GridLayout (SWT)
- Using RowLayout
- Testing and deploying applets
- Testing and debugging in the visual editor