Changing the sharing of a project
If a project is shared with a CVS repository location, you can change the
sharing information so it is shared with a different repository location. The
new location must map to the same repository but can have a different
connection method and/or user name.
To change the sharing of a project:
- In the Navigator view, select the project whose sharing information is to be changed.
- Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The properties dialog will open.
- Select CVS to see the CVS properties page for the project.
- Click Change Sharing.... A repository selection dialog opens containing
the compatible repository locations. (Note: you can change
the sharing to a non-compatible reposiory location by unchecking the
Show only compatible repository locations button.)
- Select the desired location and click OK to change the sharing for the project.

Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories

Creating a CVS repository location
Changing the properties of a CVS Repository Location

CVS Repositories view