The Ant core plugin declares a main entry point that allows the running of Eclipse's integrated Ant support in a headless environment. An Ant build can then be run directly from the main platform launcher.
This is an example .bat file that shows how to make use of the antRunner application entry point on Windows.
echo off setlocal REM **************************************************** REM The JRE java.exe to be used set JAVAEXE="C:\jdk1.4.2\jre\bin\java.exe" REM The Eclipse startup.jar set STARTUPJAR="C:\eclipse\startup.jar" REM The location of your workspace set WORKSPACE=C:\runtime-workspace REM The buildfile to use for the build set BUILDFILE=build.xml REM **************************************************** if not exist %JAVAEXE% echo ERROR: incorrect java.exe=%JAVAEXE%, edit this file and correct the JAVAEXE envar if not exist %JAVAEXE% goto done if not exist %STARTUPJAR% echo ERROR: incorrect startup.jar=%STARTUPJAR%, edit this file and correct the STARTUPJAR envar if not exist %STARTUPJAR% goto done if not exist %WORKSPACE% echo ERROR: incorrect workspace=%WORKSPACE%, edit this file and correct the WORKSPACE envar if not exist %WORKSPACE% goto done if not exist %BUILDFILE% echo ERROR: incorrect buildfile=%BUILDFILE%, edit this file and correct the BUILDFILE envar if not exist %BUILDFILE% goto done :run @echo on %JAVAEXE% -cp %STARTUPJAR% org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -noupdate -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -data %WORKSPACE% -buildfile %BUILDFILE% :done pause