Import wizard

This wizard helps you import resources into the Workbench. When the Import wizard first comes up, choose what type of import to do:

Import wizard


File System

If you choose this option, you will import files from the file system.

Import file system page


Import - File System Options
Option Description Default
Directory The directory from which to import files.  Select a previous path from the drop down combo or Browse to select the path in the file system. <blank>
Filter Types Dialog to select which file types to import.  Use this to restrict the import to only certain file types. N/A
Select All Check off all files and folders for import. N/A
Deselect All Uncheck all resources. N/A
Folder The folder into which the resources will be imported.  Type the path or Browse to select a path in the Workbench. The folder holding the selected resource 
Overwrite existing resources without warning Determines whether importing a resource should silently overwrite a resource which already exists in the Workbench. If this option is off, you will be prompted before a given resource is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the resource, skip it, or cancel the import. Off
Create complete folder structure Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the Workbench to accommodate the resources being imported, and all parent folders of those resources in the file system. Off
Create selected folders only Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the Workbench to accommodate the resources being imported. On


ZIP File

If you choose this option, you will import files from an archive (ZIP) file.


ZIP file import wizard page


Import - Zip File Options
Option Description Default
ZIP File The file from which to import.  Type in the full path or Browse to select the path on the file system. <blank>
Filter Types... Dialog to select which file types to import.  Use this to restrict the import to only certain file types. N/A
Select All Check off all resources for import N/A
Deselect All Uncheck all resources. N/A
Folder The folder into which the resources will be imported.  Type the path or Browse to select a path in the Workbench. The folder holding the selected resource
Overwrite existing resources without warning Determines whether importing a resource should silently overwrite a resource which already exists in the Workbench. If this option is off, you will be prompted before a given resource is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the resource, skip it, or cancel the import. Off


Existing Project

Imports a project into this workspace that was previously located in this workspace, or that currently exists in another workspace.


Existing project import wizard page


Import - Existing Project Options
Option Description Default
Project Contents The location in the file system where the existing project resides. <blank>


Team Project Set

Imports a description of the repository and version control information for a set of projects. This allows you to synchronize correctly with the appropriate project state in your repository.


Team project set import wizard page


Import - Team Project Options
Option Description Default
File name The name of the team project set export file <blank>