Navigate menu

This menu allows you to locate and navigate through resources and other artifacts displayed in the Workbench.


Go Into

This command refocuses the active view so that the current selection is at the root. This allows web browser style navigation within hierarchies of artifacts.


Go To



Open Resource

This command displays a dialog that lets you select any resource in the workspace to open it in an editor. For more information see the links to related tasks below.



Show In

This sub-menu is used to find and select the currently selected resource in another view. If an editor is active, these commands are used to select the resource currently being edited in another view.



This command navigates to the next item in a list or table in the active view. For example, when the search results view is active, this navigates to the next search result.



This command navigates to the previous item in a list or table in the active view. For example, when the search results view is active, this navigates to the previous search result.


Last Edit Position

This command allows you to jump the last edit position.


Go to Line

This command allows you to jump to a specific line in the active editor.



This command navigates to the previous resource that was viewed in an editor. Analagous to the Back button on a web browser.



This command navigates to undo the effect of the previous Back command. Analagous to the Forward button on a web browser.

Related tasks
Finding a resource quickly