Windows Color Dialog Reference
Below are the tables that show the colors of the fonts in the matrix of the Windows color dialog and the color settings that each of these correspond to.
Windows Color Dialog Color Matrix
salmon pale yellow pale green spring green pale turquoise deep sky blue pale rose pink red yellow apple green light green aqua turquoise pale slate blue magenta chocolate pumpkin lime teal dark turquoise medium slate blue maroon rose dark red dark orange green sea green blue medium blue purple blueviolet dark brown saddle brown dark forest green dark teal navy midnight blue dark purple dark blueviolet black olive dark olive grey light teal light grey dark purple white
Settings for Default Colors in the Windows Color Dialog
Color Hue Saturation Lumination Red Green Blue apple green 60 240 120 128 255 0 aqua 120 240 120 0 255 255 black 160 0 0 0 0 0 blue 160 240 120 0 0 255 blueviolet 180 240 120 128 0 255 chocolate 0 80 90 128 64 64 dark blueviolet 180 240 60 64 0 128 dark brown 0 240 30 64 0 0 dark forest green 80 240 30 0 64 0 dark olive 40 80 90 128 128 64 dark orange 20 240 120 255 128 0 dark purple 200 240 30 64 0 64 dark purple 200 240 30 64 0 64 dark red 0 240 60 128 0 0 dark teal 120 240 30 0 64 64 dark turquoise 140 240 60 0 64