System Summary Sections



The Eclipse UI provides an AboutDialog that can be branded and reused by client product plugins. This dialog includes a SystemSummary dialog that contains configuration details. By extending the org.eclipse.ui.systemSummarySections extension point clients are able to put their own information into the log.

<!ELEMENT extension (section+)>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT section EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST section

class        CDATA #REQUIRED

sectionTitle CDATA #REQUIRED

id           CDATA #IMPLIED>

Following is an example of a systemSummarySections extension:

<extension point=



<section sectionTitle=

"Cookie Manager Plugin"








The class specified in the section element must be a concrete subclass of org.eclipse.ui.about.ISystemSummarySection.

The Workbench uses this extension point to provide the following sections in the system summary dialog: - System properties: The contents of the table returned by java.lang.System.getProperties. - Features: The id of all features found by eclipse. - Plug-in Registry: The id of all plugins found by eclipse. - User Preferences: The contents of the Eclipse PreferencesService. - Error Log: The contents of the platform's error log.