Table of Contents (TOC)

For registering an online help contribution for an individual plug-in.

Each plug-in that contributes help files should in general do the following:

<!ELEMENT extension (toc*)>

<!ATTLIST extension







primary  (true | false) "false"

extradir CDATA #IMPLIED>

The following is an example of using the toc extension point.

(in file plugin.xml)


<extension point=



<toc file=





<toc file=



<toc file=






(in file maindocs.xml)

<toc label="Help System Example">
 <topic label="Introduction" href="intro.html"/>
 <topic label="Tasks">
  <topic label="Creating a Project" href="tasks/task1.html">
   <topic label="Creating a Web Project" href="tasks/task11.html"/>
   <topic label="Creating a Java Project" href="tasks/task12.html"/>
  <link toc="task.xml" />
  <topic label="Testing a Project" href="tasks/taskn.html"/>
 <topic label="Samples">
  <topic label="Creating Java Project" href="samples/sample1.html">
   <topic label="Launch a Wizard" href="samples/sample11.html"/>
   <topic label="Set Options" href="samples/sample12.html"/>
   <topic label="Finish Creating Project" href="samples/sample13.html"/>
  <anchor id="samples" />

(in file tasks.xml)

<toc label="Building a Project">
 <topic label="Building a Project" href="build/building.html">
  <topic label="Building a Web Project" href="build/web.html"/>
  <topic label="Building a Java Project" href="build/java.html"/>

(in file samples.xml)

<toc link_to="maindocs.xml#samples" label="Using The Compile Tool">
 <topic label="The Compile Tool Sample" href="compilesample/example.html">
  <topic label="Step 1" href="compilesample/step1.html"/>
  <topic label="Step 2" href="compilesample/step2.html"/>
  <topic label="Step 3" href="compilesample/step3.html"/>
  <topic label="Step 4" href="compilesample/step4.html"/>

Assuming more documents exists with the path starting with "samples", they will not be displayed in the navigation tree, but be accessible using search.  It is due to the presence of "extradir" attribute in the element <toc file="sample.xml" extradir="samples" /> inside plugin.xml file. For example searching for "Creating Java Project" could return a document "Other Ways of Creating Java Project", which path is samples/sample2.html.

Internationalization The TOC XML files can be translated and the resulting copy (with translated labels) should be placed in nl/<language>/<country> or nl/<language> directory.  The <language> and <country> stand for two letter language and country codes as used in locale codes.  For example, Traditional Chinese translations should be placed in the nl/zh/TW directory.  The nl/<language>/<country> directory has a higher priority than nl/<language>.  Only if no file is found in the nl/<language>/<country>, the file residing in nl/<language> will be used.  The the root directory of a plugin will be searched last.

The documentation contained in can be localized by creating a file with translated version of documents, and placing in
nl/<language>/<country> or nl/<language> directory. The help system will look for the files under this directories before defaulting to plugin directory.

No code is required to use this extension point. All that is needed is to supply the appropriate manifest files mentioned in the plugin.xml file.

The default implementation of the help system UI supplied with the Eclipse platform fully supports the toc extension point.