Launch Configuration Tab Groups


This extension point provides a mechanism for contributing a group of tabs to the launch configuration dialog for a type of launch configuration.

<!ELEMENT extension (launchConfigurationTabGroup*)>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT launchConfigurationTabGroup (launchMode*)>

<!ATTLIST launchConfigurationTabGroup

id            CDATA #REQUIRED

type          CDATA #REQUIRED

class         CDATA #REQUIRED

helpContextId CDATA #IMPLIED

description   CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT launchMode EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST launchMode

mode        CDATA #REQUIRED

perspective CDATA #IMPLIED

description CDATA #IMPLIED>

A launch mode element specifies a launch mode this tab group is specific to. A tab group can be associated with one or more launch modes. For backwards compatibility (previous to 3.0), a launch mode does not need to be specified. When unspecified, a tab group is registered as the default tab group for the associated launch configration type (i.e. applicable to all supported launch modes for which a specific tab group has not been contributed).

The following is an example of a launch configuration tab group extension point:


<extension point=



<launchConfigurationTabGroup id=









In the above example, the contributed tab group will be shown for the launch configuration type with identifier com.example.ExampleLaunchConfigurationTypeIdentifier.

Value of the attribute class must be a fully qualified name of a Java class that implements the interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup.