Rational Workbench guide
- Workbench under the covers
- Resources overview
- Runtime overview
- Features
- Ant
- Contributing tasks and types
- Developing tasks and types
- Ant tasks provided by the platform
- Expanding the Ant classpath
- Running Ant buildfiles programmatically
- Platform architecture
- Platform SDK roadmap
- Compare support
- Advanced compare techniques
- Implementing a Content Viewer
- Merging multiple streams
- Implementing a structure viewer
- Program debug and launch support
- Breakpoints
- Debugging a program
- Expressions
- Launching a program
- Adding launchers to the platform
- Handling errors from a launched program
- Launch configuration dialog
- Launch configuration type images
- Launch shortcuts
- Platform debug model
- Debug model presentation
- Debug UI utility classes
- Dialogs and wizards
- Application dialogs
- Dialog settings
- Standard dialogs
- Wizards
- org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards
- Wizard extension points
- org.eclipse.ui.importWizards
- Multi-page wizards
- org.eclipse.ui.newWizards
- Wizard dialogs
- Editors
- Registering editor actions
- Source viewers and annotations
- Content assist
- Documents and partitions
- Syntax coloring
- Text and ruler hover
- Text editors and platform text
- Configuring a source viewer
- Other text editor responsibilities
- Workbench editors
- Content outliners
- Simple plug-in example
- Beyond the basics
- Creating the plug-in project
- The Hello World manifest
- Minimal
- Running the plug-in
- The Hello World view
- Plugging in help
- Active
- Writing the help action
- Tips for debugging active help
- Invoking the action from HTML
- Dynamic help
- Infopops
- Declaring a context id
- Describing and packaging infopop content
- Building a help plug-in
- Help server and file locations
- Completing the plug-in manifest
- Building nested documentation structures
- Table of contents (toc) files
- Welcome to Eclipse
- What is Eclipse?
- The holy grail
- Who needs a platform?
- JFace UI framework
- Actions and contributions
- Long-running operations
- User interface resources
- Viewers
- Preference pages
- Contributing a preference page
- Field editors
- Implementing a preference page
- Contributing a property page
- Implementing a property page
- Packaging and delivering Eclipse based products
- Product installation guidelines
- Customizing a primary feature
- Customizing a product
- Products and features
- Products extension point
- Locale specific files
- Plug-ins
- Primary feature
- Product extensions
- Updating a product or extension
- Building a Rich Client Platform application
- Defining the actions
- Customizing the workbench
- The browser example
- Defining a rich client application
- Making UI contributions
- Adding the perspective
- Adding views
- Batching resource changes
- Incremental project builders
- Concurrency and the workspace
- Derived resources
- Tracking resource changes
- Resource modification hooks
- Resource markers
- Modifying the workspace
- Project natures
- Refresh providers
- Workspace save participation
- File encoding and content types
- Resources and the local file system
- Linked resources
- Project-scoped preferences
- Resource properties
- Resources and the workspace
- Content types
- Concurrency infrastructure
- Locks
- Reporting progress
- Scheduling rules
- Job scheduling
- The runtime plug-in model
- Plug-ins and bundles
- Runtime preferences
- Extension points and the registry
- Search support
- Contributing a search page
- Contributing a search result page
- Standard Widget Toolkit
- Error handling
- Graphics
- Layouts
- Custom Layouts
- FillLayout
- FormLayout
- GridLayout
- RowLayout
- StackLayout
- Threading issues
- Widgets
- Controls
- Custom widgets
- Events
- Team support
- Rich Team Integration
- Implementing a repository provider
- Repository resource management
- File types
- Team and linked resources
- Team private resources
- Project sets
- Synchronization Support
- Synchronization Support - Beyond the basics
- Synchronization Support - Local History Example
- Building a team UI
- Adding team actions
- Team decorators
- Adding preferences and properties
- Plugging into the workbench
- Boolean expressions and action filters
- Activities
- Cheat sheets
- Contexts
- Decorators
- Element factories
- Intro support
- org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtension
- org.eclipse.ui.perspectives
- Contributing resource filters
- Basic workbench extensions
- Action set part associations
- org.eclipse.ui.actionSets
- org.eclipse.ui.editorActions
- org.eclipse.ui.editors
- org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus
- org.eclipse.ui.viewActions
- org.eclipse.ui.views
- Guiding the user through tasks
- Workbench concurrency support
- Menu and toolbar paths
- Workbench menu contributions
- org.eclipse.ui.perspectives
- The plug-in class
- Guiding the user through tasks
- Filtering large user interfaces
- Advanced workbench concepts
- Accessible user interfaces
- Text file encoding
- Workbench key bindings
- Accelerator configurations
- Key bindings
- Commands
- Contexts and key bindings
- Contributing marker help
- Contributing marker resolution
- Marker help and resolution
- Retargetable actions
- Contributing new retargetable actions
- Retargetable action set actions
- Retargetable editor actions
- Setting a global action handler
- Honoring single click support
- Working sets