Plug-in Content Wizards


This extension point provides for contributing wizards that create additional content of the PDE plug-in projects. After the plug-in manifest and key files have been created, these wizards can be used to add more files and extensions to the initial structure. A typical implementation of this wizard would add content based on a parametrized template customized based on the user choices in the wizard. The goal is to arrive at a plug-in that is does something useful right after the creation (e.g. contributes a view, an editor etc.).

<!ELEMENT extension (wizard*)>

<!ATTLIST extension




<!ELEMENT wizard (description?)>

<!ATTLIST wizard

id         CDATA #REQUIRED

name       CDATA #REQUIRED

icon       CDATA #IMPLIED

class      CDATA #REQUIRED

category   CDATA #IMPLIED

ui-content (true | false) "true"

java       (true | false) "true">

<!ELEMENT description (#CDATA)>

Short description of this wizard.

The following is an example of this extension point:

<extension point=



<wizard name=

"Example Plug-in Content Generator"









Adds a view and a preference page.




Wizards that plug into this extension point must implement org.eclipse.pde.ui.IPluginContentWizard interface and is expected to extend org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard.

PDE provides APIs for contributing content wizards based on customizable templates. A number of concrete wizards based on these templates is contributed by PDE UI itself.