Java toolbar actions

Java Actions

Toolbar Button



Create a Java Project

This command helps you create a new Java project.

See New Java Project Wizard

Create a Java Package

This command helps you create a new Java package.

See New Java Package Wizard

Create a Java Class

This command helps you create a new Java class.

See New Java Class Wizard

Create a Java Interface

This command helps you create a new Java interface.

See New Java Interface Wizard

Create a Scrapbook Page

This command helps you create a new Java scrapbook page for experimenting with Java expressions.

See New Java Scrapbook Page Wizard

Open a Type in the Editor

This command allows you to browse the workspace for a type to open in the defined default Java editor. You can optionally choose to display the type simultaneously in the Hierarchy view.

Choose a type:

In this field, type the first few characters of the type you want to open in an editor. You can use wildcards as needed ("*" for a string, "?" for a character, "<" for end of line). 

Matching Types:

This list displays matches for the expression you type in the Choose a type field. 

In Packages:

This list displays the packages where a type with the selected name are defined. 

Related concepts

Java development tools (JDT)

Related tasks

Creating Java elements
Opening an editor on a type

Related reference

New Java Project wizard
New Java Package wizard
New Java Class wizard
New Java Interface wizard
New Java Scrapbook Page wizard
Views and editors

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