Probekit Reference

This section provides detailed reference information for the probe objects and data items.

The Probekit object
The Probekit object is the top-level container for one or more Probe objects.

The Probe object
The Probe object describes a single probe that is contained within a Probekit object. There can be several probes in a Probekit object.

The Import probe object
The Import probe object is a specification of the Java packages and classes referenced by the probe.

The FragmentAtClassScope probe object
The FragmentAtClassScope probe object is a specification for the data and initialization requirements of a probe.

The StaticField probe object
The StaticField probe object inserts a new static field into every probed Java class. This static field is accessible to probe fragments, and can be used to store information inside probed classes.

The Fragment probe object
The Fragment probe object is a specification of a probe's logic. It contains the Java source code that will be executed.

The Data probe object
Data probe objects contain the names and types of data items that are referenced by the source code in a fragment's Code object.

The Code probe object
The Code probe object contains the Java source code for the probe fragment.

The Target probe object
The Target probe object is a specification of the classes and methods to which the probe should be applied.

The executableUnit probe fragment
The executableUnit probe fragment lets you perform fine-grained data collection for methods that match the probe's target and filter specification, and that have source code information available.

The staticInitializer probe fragment
The staticInitializer probe fragment type lets you insert new code into the class initializer of every probed class. If the class does not have a class initializer, one will be created.

The methodLineTables string format
The methodLineTables data string encodes a table with one entry for every executable unit in a class.


Parent topic

Collecting runtime data with user-defined probes