- Overview
- The Probekit object
- Examples
- Method probes versus callsite probes
- Reference
- Create and using probes
- Collecting runtime data with user-defined probes
- ExecutableUnit example
- FragmentAtClassScope example
- A basic sample probe
- staticField and staticInitializer example
- The Code probe object
- The Data probe object
- The executableUnit probe fragment
- The FragmentAtClassScope probe object
- The Fragment probe object
- The Import probe object
- The methodLineTables string format
- The Probe object
- The StaticField probe object
- The staticInitializer probe fragment
- The Target probe object
- Applying probes
- Compiling probes
- Create and editing probes
- Modifying probes
- Removing probe instrumentation
- Using multiple probes simultaneously
- Running a project with probes