Generating an EMF Model

Last updated: June 29, 2004

This tutorial is a step-by-step description of the process of creating an EMF model and generating a simple model editor for it. Following this tutorial will show how easy EMF makes it to go from a simple model definition to a fully functioning editor for that model.

The model we will generate looks like this in UML (see the Eclipse Modeling Framework Overview for a description of this model):

Library UML model

We will show how an EMF model can be generated from either of two different sources: a Rational Rose model or a set of annotated Java interfaces and classes.

The screenshots are based on version 3.0 of the Eclipse SDK and version 2.0 of EMF.



Step 0: Prerequisites
Step 1: Import the Model from Rose or Define the Model Using Annotated Java
Step 2: Generate the EMF Model Code
Step 3: Generate an Editor for the Model
Step 4: Run the Generated Editor



Step 0: Prerequisites

The EMF Runtime package includes the EMF generator and a number of related plug-ins. After installing the package, verify that they are available in your Eclipse environment:

Additional EMF plug-ins, which are not highlighted above, are not required for this tutorial. They may or may not appear, depending on which EMF packages you installed.



Step 1a: Import the Model from Rose

The Rose file for the library model can be found here: library.mdl. Save it somewhere on your workstation.

Create a new EMF project in the workspace:



Step 1b: Define the Model Using Annotated Java

Instead of importing the model from a Rose diagram, we can start with a set of Java interfaces and classes that correspond to the classes and enumerated types, respectively, in the library model. This code is the bare minimum required to illustrate the desired features. Based on it, a core model and a generator model will be constructed, which will then drive generation of the remaining code. The code is annotated with "@model" tags in Javadoc comments, in order to specify any non-default values for the attributes and references of the Ecore objects. 

package org.eclipse.example.library;
import java.util.List;

 * @model
public interface Library
   * @model
  String getName();

   * @model type="Writer" containment="true"
  List getWriters();

   * @model type="Book" containment="true"
  List getBooks();

package org.eclipse.example.library;

 * @model
public interface Book
   * @model
  String getTitle();

   * @model default="100"
  int getPages();

   * @model
  BookCategory getCategory();

   * @model opposite="books"
  Writer getAuthor();

package org.eclipse.example.library;

 * @model
public interface Writer
   * @model
  String getName();

   * @model type="Book" opposite="author"
  java.util.List getBooks();

package org.eclipse.example.library;

 * @model
public class BookCategory
   * @model name="Mystery"
  public static final int MYSTERY = 0;

   * @model name="ScienceFiction"
  public static final int SCIENCE_FICTION = 1;

   * @model name="Biography"
  public static final int BIOGRAPHY = 2;

Create a new Java project in the workspace:

Create the first Java interface:

Create the other two interfaces ( and and the class ( in the same way. Of course, to create the class, select "New/Class" from the pop-up menu, instead of "New/Interface".

Create the EMF models:



Step 2: Generate the EMF Model Code

The generator model shows a root object, representing the whole model. This model object has children that represent its packages, whose children then represent classifiers (classes and datatypes, including enumerated types). The children of classes are class attributes, references, and operations; the children of enumerated types are enum literals.

In most cases, the properites need not be changed from their default values, but these options can provide a great deal of control over the code that gets generated. This topic will be explored more fully in future tutorial material; for now, select several different generator model objects, and observe their properties.

The generator model is also the place where you initiate the code generation. By right-clicking on an object in the model, you can generate code for it.

After generation, the class interfaces and enum class will have been created (if the model was imported from Rose) or completed (if the model was defined using annotated Java), and a new pair of interfaces will have been created for the package itself and for the factory. There will also be two new packages, with "impl" and "util" suffixes, which contain implementations of the interfaces and additional utility classes, and a "plugin.xml" manifest file for the model plug-in.

If you defined the model by using annotated Java, you may see a warning in the Problems view: "The import java.util.List is never used". This warning is expected, and will not stop you from continuing on to the next step.

If you change the model, you can regenerate it, and changes will be merged with any hand modifications that may have been made to the code. You can also selectively generate a subset of the model code by right-clicking on a package, class, or enum object and selecting "Generate Model Code" from the pop-up menu.



Step 3: Generate an Editor for the Model

A fully functional Eclipse editor can also be generated for any model. By default, it is split between two plug-ins: an "edit" plug-in includes adapters that provide a structured view and perform command-based editing of the model objects; an "editor" plug-in provides the UI for the editor and wizard.

In general, if you wish to generate the model, edit, and editor plug-ins in a single step, you can do so by selecting "Generate All" from the pop-up menu.

The code should be compiled automatically as it is generated, and should recompile whenever it is changed. If you have disabled automatic building in the workbench preferences, you can initiate compilation manually:



Step 4: Run the Generated Editor

In order to test the new plug-ins, a second instance of Eclipse, called a run-time workbench must be launched. The plug-ins will run in this workbench.

The Library Model wizard can now be used to create a new instance of the model.

The root object in this editor corresponds to the My.library resource. Under it lies a single library, the object which was selected as the model object in the wizard.
