Repositioning shapes
In UML visualization, you can arrange all shapes or selected shapes, align shapes with other shapes, resize shapes, and move shapes in diagrams.
Automatically arranging shapes and connectors
In UML visualization, you can automatically arrange all shapes and connectors in diagrams for better viewing results.Arranging selected shapes and connectors
In UML visualization, you can arrange selected shapes and connectors in diagrams for better viewing results.Aligning shapes
In UML visualization, you can align shapes in diagrams by their left, right, or center vertically or by their top, bottom, or middle horizontally.Resizing shapes
In UML visualization, you can manually resize shapes.
Parent topic
Managing shapes
Related tasks
Customizing default settings for shapes
Managing the appearance of shapes
Making shapes the same size
Changing the order of shapes in stacks
Managing shape compartments
Filtering and sorting compartment items
Adding notes to shapes
Attaching notes to shapes
Adding geometric shapes to diagrams