Printing diagrams
In UML visualization, the standard printing features are available; however, you can also specify which diagrams you want to print and how to scale them to fit on a specific number of pages.
To print a diagram:
- Click in the diagram and click File > Print.
- In the Print window, under Diagram print range, click one of the following options:
- To print all diagrams in the project, click All Diagrams.
- To print the diagram that is active in the diagram editor, click Current Diagram.
- To print specific diagrams in the project, click Selected Diagrams and select the diagrams in the list.
- Under Scaling, click one of the following options:
- To scale the diagram by a specific percentage, click By percent and type a percent value.
- To scale the diagram to fit on a specific number of pages, click By pages and specify the number of pages (rows by columns).
- Click OK.
Parent topic
Printing diagrams
Related concepts
UML diagrams
Related tasks
Previewing diagrams before you print them