Filtering compartment items by visibility

In UML visualization, you can specify which items are visible or not by selecting their visibility criteria.

Tip: You can filter compartment items only when a compartment has at least two items in it with public, protected, private, or package visibility styles.

To filter compartment items by visibility:

  1. In the diagram editor, right-click a shape; then click Filters > Sort/Filter Compartment Items.

  2. In the Sort/Filter Compartment Items window, select a compartment.

  3. Under Filter Criteria, select the visibility style or styles of compartment items, click the Move to the Left button (<), and click Apply.

  4. Click OK.


Parent topic

Filtering and sorting compartment items


Related concepts

Class shapes


Related tasks

Filtering compartment items by selection
Filtering compartment items by visibility and selection
Sorting compartment items by visibility
Sorting compartment items by visibility while filtering by selection
Sorting compartment items by name
Sorting attributes by type
Sorting operations by return type