UML shapes
In UML visualization, a shape is a textual and graphical element that represents an application component in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram.
For example, a shape can contain the name, fields, and methods of a Java class that appear as name, attributes, and operations in their respective compartments.
Shape properties govern the appearance of shapes in a diagram. For example, each shape has a Line Color property that you can specify for the color of the shape's borders and drop shadows.
You can specify property values for shapes to do the following things:
- Change the sizes and positions
- Change fill, font, and border line colors
- Show or hide attribute and operation compartments, and compartment titles
Parent topic
About UML visualization
Related concepts
UML diagrams
Browse diagrams
Topic diagrams
Geometric shapes
Note attachment relationships
Related tasks
Changing the default background color for shapes
Changing the default setting for drop shadows of shapes