IE and IDEF1X notation diagrams

In UML visualization, IE (Information Engineering) and IDEF1X (Integration Definition for Information Modeling) notation data diagrams have semantics and notations that meet particular specifications.

You can use IE and IDEF1X notation data diagrams to examine, understand, and modify existing database applications and to design new database applications.

For example, you can create IE and IDEF1X notation data visualization diagrams of existing database applications from source code to examine and understand schemas created by database administrators and how Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) entity beans are mapped to database tables. You can use IE and IDEF1X notation data diagrams to create your own context to examine, understand, collaborate, and design using a subset of the existing data objects in an application. You can modify existing data objects in IE and IDEF1X notation diagrams and update their underlying source code from the diagram editor. You can also create IE and IDEF1X notation data diagrams to design new database applications.


Parent topic

Examining database applications


Related tasks

Customizing the database visual design tool
Creating database diagrams
Examining data objects
Populating diagrams with database elements