Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Adornments for unresolved references
- Association relationships
- Attributes
- Browse diagrams
- Classes
- Class diagrams
- Classifiers
- About UML visualization
- About UML class diagrams
- Connectors
- IE and IDEF1X notation diagrams
- Owned element association relationships
- Dependency relationships
- UML diagrams
- Extends relationships
- Geometric shapes
- Multiplicity
- Note attachment relationships
- Notes
- Operations
- Properties
- Implements relationships
- Relationships
- Class shapes
- Profiles
- Text
- Topic diagrams
- UML shapes
- Visibility
- UML visualization reference
- The mapping between data objects and UML elements
- UML visualization reference
- The mapping between EJB and UML elements
- UML modeling best practices
- UML visualization reference
- Adding fields to CMP entity beans
- Adding bend points to connectors
- Adding client views to CMP entity beans
- Adding fields to CMP primary key fields
- Adding columns to tables
- Adding new enterprise beans created from database tables
- Create EJB relationships
- Adding new enterprise beans to UML class diagrams
- Create extends relationships between Java classes
- Adding fields to Java classes
- Adding finder methods to CMP 1.x entity beans
- Adding foreign keys to tables
- Adding geometric shapes to diagrams
- Create implements relationships between Java classes
- Adding methods to Java classes
- Adding notes to diagrams
- Adding primary keys to columns
- Adding queries to CMP 2.x entity beans
- Adding text to diagrams
- Aligning shapes
- Arranging selected shapes and connectors
- Automatically arranging shapes and connectors
- Attaching notes to shapes
- Attaching notes to connectors
- Automatically generating Javadoc HTML documentation with
- Changing the background color for shapes
- Moving a shape one layer up in a stack
- Bringing a shape to the front of a stack
- Changing Java association
- Changing the color of connectors
- Changing Java field
- Changing the font for shapes
- Collapsing compartments
- Managing the appearance of connectors
- Applying the appearance of a shape to other shapes
- Saving diagrams as image files
- Adding session bean facades to CMP entity beans
- Create databases
- Create database UML class diagrams
- Create class diagrams
- Create and managing enterprise beans
- Create user-defined functions
- Create IDEF1X notation diagrams
- Create IE notation diagrams
- Create Java elements
- Create stored procedures
- Create database schemas in class diagrams
- Create tables
- Create database views
- Create enterprise beans
- Create UML class diagrams of enterprise beans
- Create enterprise beans from tables
- Create relationships from targets to sources
- Create relationships from targets to unspecified sources
- Create top-level Java interfaces
- Create UML class diagrams of Java elements
- Create nested Java classes
- Create nested interfaces
- Create relationships from sources to targets
- Create relationships from sources to unspecified targets
- Create Java packages
- Create top-level Java classes
- Opening the data objects editor from diagrams
- Examining and designing database applications by using UML
- Debugging enterprise beans on a server
- Defining default Java collection
- Deleting data objects from diagrams
- Deleting data objects from databases
- Deleting diagram files from projects
- Deleting enterprise beans from projects
- Deleting enterprise beans from UML class diagrams
- Deleting Java elements
- Deleting Java elements
- Deleting Java elements
- Designing CMP entity beans
- Create relationships between Java elements
- Editing CMP fields
- Editing CMP relationships
- Designing database applications
- Editing enterprise beans
- Designing enterprise beans by using UML class diagrams
- Modifying Java classes
- Designing Java elements
- Create and managing EJB relationships
- Examining and designing EJB applications by using UML diagrams
- Filtering and sorting compartment items
- Filtering compartment items by selection
- Filtering compartment items by visibility and selection
- Filtering compartment items by visibility
- Changing the font color for shapes
- Hiding the grid
- Hiding all labels on connectors in diagrams
- Hiding labels on selected connectors
- Hiding rulers
- Automatically navigating to the source code of Java diagram
- Generating Javadoc HTML documentation with diagram images
- Generating Javadoc HTML documentation with diagram images
- Starting the default Java editor
- Managing relationships between Java elements
- Examining and designing Java applications
- Specifying the line routing style of connectors
- Linking diagrams
- Mapping enterprise beans to relational databases
- Moving diagram files to other projects
- Moving bend points on connectors
- Navigating to data source elements
- Navigating to EJB source code
- Navigating to Java source
- Adding notes to connectors
- Adding notes to shapes
- Opening diagram files
- Populating database class diagrams
- Populating diagrams with database elements
- Populating IDEF1X notation diagrams
- Populating IE notation diagrams
- Populating UML class diagrams with enterprise beans
- Populating UML class diagrams with Java elements
- Previewing diagrams before you print them
- Printing diagrams
- Printing diagrams
- Profiling enterprise beans on a server
- Recalculating page breaks
- Removing client views from CMP entity beans
- Renaming data objects
- Renaming diagram files
- Renaming enterprise beans
- Changing zoom levels of diagrams
- Resizing compartments
- Resizing shapes
- Removing fields from CMP primary key fields
- Running enterprise beans on a server
- Making shapes the same height
- Making shapes the same height and width
- Making shapes the same width
- Designing EJB security concepts
- Combining method permissions
- Editing exclude lists
- Editing method permissions
- Adding exclude lists
- Linking security role references to security roles
- Adding method permissions
- Adding references to security roles
- Create security roles
- Create run-as security identities
- Selecting diagram elements
- Selecting a group of diagram elements
- Sending a shape to the back of a stack
- Moving a shape one layer down in a stack
- Changing the default for showing action bars
- Changing the default for showing attribute and operation
- Changing the default for showing attribute and operation
- Changing the default for showing attribute and operation
- Changing the default stereotype style for compartments
- Setting the default for showing compartment titles
- Changing the default color for connectors
- Changing the default setting for connector handles
- Changing the default setting for connector stereotypes
- Changing the default line style for connectors
- Customizing default settings for connectors
- Customizing the database visual design tool
- Customizing default settings for diagrams
- Changing the default diagram appearance style
- Setting the default to add new enterprise beans to class
- Customizing the EJB visual design tool
- Customizing the default settings for Java fields
- Changing the default font for diagrams
- Changing the default font color for diagrams
- Setting the default for showing the grid
- Customizing default settings for the grid and rulers in new
- Customizing the Java visual
- Customizing the Java visual
- Customizing the default settings for Java methods
- Customizing the default settings for the Java Assistant
- Changing the default background color for notes
- Changing the default color for note connectors
- Setting the default for showing parent names
- Setting the default for showing parent names
- Setting the default for showing parent names
- Setting the default for showing rulers
- Changing the default setting for drop shadows of shapes
- Changing the default background color for shapes
- Customizing default settings for shapes
- Changing the default stereotype style for shapes
- Setting the default for showing operation signatures
- Setting the default for showing operation signatures
- Setting the default for showing operation signatures
- Changing the default setting for snapping diagram elements
- Customizing the default Java types
- Changing the default visibility style for attributes and
- Changing the default visibility style for attributes and
- Changing the default visibility style for attributes and
- Managing the appearance of shapes
- Repositioning shapes
- Showing associations as attributes
- Showing attributes as associations
- Showing and hiding compartments
- Showing and hiding relationships
- Showing related data relationships
- Showing related EJB elements
- Showing related EJB relationships
- Showing related Java elements
- Showing the grid
- Showing and hiding EJB relationships
- Showing related Java elements
- Navigating to the source code files of Java diagram
- Navigating to the source code of enterprise beans
- Showing all labels on connectors in diagrams
- Showing labels on selected connectors
- Showing parent names of classifiers
- Showing parent names of classifiers
- Showing related Java elements
- Showing page breaks
- Populating class diagrams
- Populating diagrams with related data objects
- Showing rulers
- Showing operation signatures of classifiers
- Showing operation signatures of classifiers
- Restoring labels to their default locations on connectors
- Snapping diagram elements to the grid
- Sorting compartment items by name
- Sorting operations by return type
- Sorting attributes by type
- Sorting compartment items by visibility
- Sorting compartment items by visibility while filtering by
- Specifying the stereotype style for compartments
- Specifying the stereotype style for shapes
- Starting EJB editors
- Managing UML visualization diagrams
- Editing data objects
- Designing structural features of Java applications
- Specifying the visibility style for attributes and operations
- Create database diagrams
- Examining data objects by using UML class diagrams
- Examining data objects
- Examining data objects by using IDEF1X notation diagrams
- Examining data objects by using IE notation diagrams
- Create UML diagrams
- Examining EJB applications by using UML class diagrams
- Create UML class diagrams
- Examining remote databases by using UML class diagrams
- Examining structures and relationships of Java applications
- Managing shape compartments
- Managing connectors
- Examining database applications
- Managing diagrams
- Managing diagram files
- Managing the grid and rulers
- Managing connector labels
- Managing page breaks
- Making shapes the same size
- Managing shapes
- Changing the order of shapes in stacks