Setting publishing preferences for a WebSphere Application Server v6.0

Use the publishing settings to specify whether you want to publish your application on the server or run your application within the development environment without publishing to the server.

The setting Run server with resources on Server runs and publish your application directly on a remote or local server. The Run with resources within the workspace runs your application within your workspace and does not get published on the targeted server. This mode of running your application is formerly known as running your application on a server test environment.

To configure the publishing settings for WebSphere Application Server v6.x:

  1. In the Servers view, double-click your WebSphere Application Server v6.0 to open the server editor.

  2. Click the Overview tab.

  3. Expand the Publishing section.

  4. Use the radio buttons to select either the following:

    Run server with resources within the workspace Enables you to run your application from within the workbench without publishing to the server. You can enable the Run server with resources within the workspace check box when running a local server. This option is not available when running a remote server.
    Run server with resource on server Publishes your application on the targeted server.

  5. If you selected Run server with resource on server radio button in the previous step, specify one or more of the following settings:

    1. In the Enable automatic publishing check box specify whether you want to enable the development environment to publish changes in your application from the workbench to the server.

    2. In the Publishing interval (in minutes) field, specify how long the development environment waits before publishing the changes in your application from the workbench with the server.

  6. Save and close the editor.