Collecting leak detection data with timed heap dumps

Timed heap dumps are captured at intervals that you can specify in the Memory Leak Analysis - Timed heap dumps profiling set.


To collect data using timed heap dumps:

  1. In the Profiling tab (Overview subtab) of the Profile dialog box, select the Memory Leak Analysis - Timed heap dumps profiling type.

  2. If you want to adjust the parameters for the profiling run, including the times for capturing heap dumps and the threshold value for reporting leak candidates, do the following:

    1. Click the Edit button to open the Edit Profiling Set dialog box.

    2. Select the Automatic Leak Detection profiling type. (Note that when you collect leak detection data, you cannot collect other types of profiling data.)

    3. Enter a value for Seconds to wait before capturing first heap dump. The default is 600 seconds.

    4. Enter a value for Seconds after first heap dump before capturing last heap dump. The default, again, is 600 seconds.

    5. Set the threshold for reporting leak candidates to a value between 1 and 99. The default value is 20. Decreasing the threshold value means that you display more potential leaks.

    6. Click the Finish button.

  3. Click Profile to start your application.

  4. Let your program run. The Leak Candidates view displays the status of the profiling run, and reports when you can start analysis. You can now terminate or detach your application.


Parent topic

Obtaining heap dumps for memory leak analysis


Related tasks

Generating a list of leak candidates

Related reference
The Leak Candidates view
Automatic Leak Detection page, Edit Profiling Set dialog box

Related information
Getting started: Profiling J2EE applications