Thread Analysis page, Edit Profiling Set dialog box

The Thread Analysis page lets you select options for the Thread Analysis profiling type.

To open the Thread Analysis page, open the Profiling and Logging perspective. From the main menu, select Run > Profile..., and select or create a profiling configuration. In the Profiling tab for the configuration,select the Thread Analysis profiling set and click Edit.

In the Edit Profiling Set dialog box, expand the entry for Thread Information and highlight the entry for Thread Analysis.

The following table describes the option you can select for the Thread Analysis profiling type:

Option Description Default
Collect UML2 Sequence Diagram object interaction data If selected, allows you to display thread analysis data in the UML2 Object Interactions view, which allows you to see what methods were called when a thread bottleneck occurred. On

Note: A profiling set that contains the Thread Analysis profiling type can also include other profiling types, except for the Automatic Leak Detection profiling type.


Parent topic

Thread bottleneck detection user interface reference


Related tasks

Collecting thread data