The Method Details view
The Method Details view displays data about a specific method and its immediate callers and descendants. The data is shown in graphical and tabular formats.
To open the Method Details view, double-click a node in the Performance Call Graph. You can also, in the Profiling Monitor, right-click a profiling resource that include Execution Time Analysis data and select Method Details from the pop-up menu.
The Method Details view consists of the following data display areas:
- Method Details: information about the currently selected method.
- Highlighted Methods list: a list of methods that are currently highlighted in the Performance Call Graph. Double-click a list item to display the method in the Method Details view.
- Callers table: a list of immediate methods that call the method that is currently displayed, and information about each caller.
- Callers pie chart: a chart showing the percentage of the method's cumulative time that is attributed to invocations by each method in the Callers table.
- Descendants table: a list of immediate methods that are called by the method, and information about each descendant.
- Descendants pie chart: a chart showing the percentage of the method's cumulative time that is attributed to the cumulative time of each method in the Descendants table.
The Method Details view can display the following information for a method:
The following controls and menu commands appear in the Method Details view:
Data item Description Method The name of the currently displayed method. Calls The total number of calls made to the method. Base Time The total time spent in the method, excluding the times for any descendant methods. Cumulative Time The Base Time for the selected method, plus the time spent in all descendant methods on behalf of the . Avg Time The average time per call spent in the method (Base Time/Calls). Min Time The smallest time recorded for a single invocation of the method. Max Time The largest time recorded for a single invocation of the method. Source File If source code is available, the name of the source file for the method. Caller The name of an immediate caller of the method. Descendant The name of an immediate descendant of the method. Percent For callers, the percentage of the method's total time that is attributed to invocations by the caller. For descendants, the percentage of the method's total time that is attributed to the total time of the descendant. Propagated Time For callers, the total time spent in the method on behalf of the caller. For descendants, the total time spent in the descendant on behalf of the method.
Control Command Description
Show Call Graph Displays the Performance Call Graph.
Find Method Lets you specify a method name to locate. If the method is found, the method is selected in the Performance Call Graph, and the Method Details view is changed to display information for that method.
Navigate Back In the method selection history, navigates to the previously selected method.
Navigate Forward In the method selection history, navigates to the next selected method. Pull-down menu Method Name... Lets you change how method names are displayed in the the Method Details view and the Performance Call Graph. Pull-down menu Time Units Lets you select the time units to use: seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds. Pull-down menu Precision Lets you select the precision to use: 0.0 to 0.00000, or none. Pop-up menu Refresh Views Redraws all views based on the current data for the profiling resource that is selected in the Profiling Monitor. Pop-up menu Filter Includes or exclues methods from the data set. For more information, see Performance Call Graph data commands Pop-up menu Subtree Hides, deletes, or focuses on a subtree. For more information, see Performance Call Graph data commands Pop-up menu Open Source When source code for the currently displayed method is available, opens the source file in the default editor. Highlight drop-down list Highlight methods Highlights methods in the Performance Call Graph based upon criteria you select in the drop-down list. The names of the highlighted methods are displayed below the list. For information about the highlighting categories, see Performance Call Graph data commands. Notes:
- For long text strings, as much of the string as possible is displayed, followed by an ellipsis (...). You can resize the columns to fully display the data.
- Only values greater than 1% are displayed in the pie charts.
- Up to 10 individual methods can be displayed in the Callers and the Descendants pie charts. Additional methods are grouped together in a white slice labeled Other.
- Right-click in the Method Details view to display a pop-up menu for working with the view.
- Click a method in the Callers or Descendants pie chart to focus on the method in the Method Details view and the Performance Call Graph view, if it is open. Double-clicking a method in the Callers or Descendants list has the same effect.
Parent topic
Performance bottleneck detection user interface reference
Related tasks
Getting information from the Method Details view