Object Reference Graph data commands
The following tables describe the filtering and highlighting commands you can use to analyze data in the Object Reference Graph view and the Object Details view.
Expand/Collapse commands
Expand/Collapse commands show or hide descendants of a selected node. These commands do not affect the counts that are displayed for nodes.
Command Description Expand Immediate Descendants Expands only the immediate descendants of the selected node. Expand All Descendants Expands all descendants of the selected node. Collapse All Descendants Collapses all descendants of the selected node. Show All Nodes Shows all nodes in the graph. Undo Last Expand/Collapse Operation Undoes the last operation. Reset to GC Roots Undoes all expand and collapse operations; does not change current filter settings.
Subtree commands
Subtree commands operate on a specific node and all its descendants. These commands can affect the counts that are displayed for nodes.
Command Description Focus on Subtree Focuses on the selected node and its descendants only. All other nodes are hidden. Hide Subtree Hides the selected node and all its descendants. The parent nodes inherit the counts of the hidden nodes. Delete Subtree Deletes the selected node and all its descendants. The parent nodes do not inherit the counts of the deleted nodes. Undo Last Subtree Operation Undoes the last operation. Reset to Root Undoes all subtree operations; does not change current filter settings.
Filter commands
Filter commands operate on an object, or all objects in a class or package. These commands can affect the counts that are displayed for nodes.
Command Description Delete Object Deletes the selected node. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (excluding the counts of the deleted node). Hide Object Hides the selected node. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (including the counts of the hidden node). Delete Class Deletes all nodes in the selected node's class. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (excluding the counts of the deleted nodes). Hide Class Hides all nodes in the selected node's class. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (including the counts of the hidden nodes). Delete Package Deletes all nodes in the selected node's package. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (excluding the counts of the deleted nodes). Hide Package Hides all nodes in the selected node's package. Parent nodes inherit all descendant nodes and their counts (including the counts of the hidden nodes). Group Objects Groups objects that are similar to the selected node. All objects of the same class are collapsed into a single node. The arcs from the parent nodes are also grouped. The count for a grouped node is the sum of the counts for all of the individual nodes in the group. This is the default mode. Ungroup Object Expands the selected grouped node into individual instance nodes. Each individual node is treated like a separate node. Undo Last Filter Operation Undoes the last filter operation Reset to default Resets all nodes to the default state.
Highlight commands
Highlight commands highlight nodes and connecting arcs based upon selection criteria.
Criterion Description None Removes highlighting from all nodes and arcs. Top 10 Count Highlights the top 10 nodes by number of instances. Top 10 Size Highlights the top 10 nodes by size in bytes. Top 10 References Highlights the top ten nodes by number of references to other nodes. Top 10 Referees Highlights the top ten nodes by number of referees. Descendants Highlights all descendants of the selected node. Top Immediate Descendants Highlights the top 10 immediate descendants with the largest size. Parents Highlights all parent nodes of the selected node. Immediate Parents Highlights only immediate parent nodes of the selected node. GC Roots Highlights all objects that are marked by the JVM as GC root objects. Objects with Source Highlights nodes for which source code is available. Objects with Hidden Objects Highlights nodes that reference hidden nodes.
Parent topic
Memory leak analysis user interface reference
Related tasks
Identifying memory leaks
Related reference
The Object Reference Graph view
Automatic Leak Detection page, Edit Profiling Set dialog box