Selecting rule categories for the Complete code review

By default all rule categories included in a code review are enabled. You can change this by deselecting any rule categories that you do not want applied when you run a code review.

To review and select rule categories:

  1. Click Window > Show View > Other, expand Java, select Code Review, and click OK. The Code Review view opens.

  2. Click Window > Preferences. The Preferences window opens, showing the Code Review page.

  3. In the left pane, expand Java, then select Code Review.

  4. In the Select Code Review list, select Complete Code Review.

  5. Click a rule category and review its description in the field at the bottom of the Preferences page.

  6. Enable or disable the rule category by selecting or clearing the check box next to the category. When a category is disabled, none of the rules in this category will be included in the Complete code review.

  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each category.

  8. Click OK to close the Preferences window.


Parent topic

Configuring code review rules