Code Review


  1. Code reviews
  2. Configuring code review
  3. Configuring code review rules
  4. Evaluating code review findings
  5. Fixing a problem found in code review
  6. Prerequisites to run a code review
  7. Rule categories
  8. Types of code review
  9. Code review findings
  10. Code Review Details view
  11. Java preferences - Code Review page
  12. Code Review view
  13. Complete code review
  14. Export Code Review configuration window
  15. Filters window
  16. Globalization code review
  17. J2EE Best Practices code review
  18. J2SE Best Practices code review
  19. Progress view
  20. Quick code review
  21. Reference
  22. New Code Review Rule wizard
  23. Applying a quick fix to a finding
  24. Creating a resource filter for a rule
  25. Creating a user-defined rule
  26. Disabling a rule
  27. Excluding packages and classes from the Complete code review
  28. Exporting a rule configuration
  29. Manually fixing a problem
  30. Ignoring a rule finding
  31. Importing a rule configuration
  32. Modifying the severity level of a rule
  33. Modifying a user-defined rule
  34. Opening the Code Review view
  35. Reviewing code automatically
  36. Running a code review
  37. Selecting the Complete code review
  38. Selecting rule categories for the Complete code review
  39. Selecting rules for the Complete code review
  40. Selecting a code review
  41. Working with the Code Review view
  42. Working with code review findings







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