Command-line options for the Rational Product Updater tool

The Product Updater tool can be started from a command line and it can run silently and install all product updates and optional new features.

The following table describes the options used when running the Product Updater tool from a command line:

option description
-updates Start the Product Updater tool, search for updates and switch to the Updates tab.
-features Start the Product Updater tool, search for optional new features, and switch to the Optional Features tab.
-auto Silently search for and install all product updates and optional new features. This option allows you to run the Product Updater tool in a Windows scheduled task or Linux crontab entry.
-history Display in the console a list of currently installed Rational software development products.


Running the Product Updater from a command line

To run the Product Updater tool from a command line:

  1. Change to the directory where the Product Updater tool is installed.

    • For Windows: the default installation directory for the Product Updater tool is system_drive:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\Software Development Platform\6.0\updater.

    • For Linux: the default installation directory is /opt/IBM/Rational/SoftwareDevelopmentPlatform/6.0/updater.

    If your you have installed the Product Updater in a different directory, you will need to modify the following commands to use your directory location.

  2. Enter the command and appropriate option as listed in the table below:

  Windows Linux
Use this command for starting the Product Updater tool with the "-updates" or "-features" option. This command returns immediately. rpu.exe [options] rpu [options]
Use this command to Run Product Updater synchronously and with console output. (for "-auto" and "-history"). The command does not return until you exit the updater. There is no splash screen, and if there is any console output you will see it. jre\bin\java.exe -cp startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main [options] jre/bin/java -cp startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main [options]