Faces Clients: Supported JavaBean characters and data types


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Faces Client supports all JavaBeans with the following exceptions:

  1. Getters, such as getInt, or getInteger, cannot be used.
  2. All variable names must use English characters.
  3. Double-byte character set names are not supported.
  4. The Java Bean must be an actual Bean, it cannot be a list.
  5. EJB Session Bean and Web Service in the Page Data view are not supported.

Faces Client supports the following properties:

  1. Basic Java type (int, Boolean, and so on) or basic Java object types (String, Integer, Boolean, and so on.)
  2. Any other bean
  3. Lists where the getters resolve into arrays, lists, collections, or iterators
Note that java.util.Map is not supported as a property type, unless the getter for the map returns an iterator or a collection.

Faces Client supports all data types except ByteArray for WebSphere Data Objects (WDO) and Service Data Objects (SDO). The size and precision of numbers supported correspond to those supported by JavaScript: integers between -253 and 253. Inclusive numbers are supported, and only a finite number of real numbers are supported that could potentially result in a loss of precision when using very large real numbers. For example, it is possible to create real numbers consisting of unscaled precision using the java.math.BigDecimal data type, but, in JavaScript, it may result in a loss of precision in very large real numbers.