Properties for Faces Client Components
Each component has a number of attributes you can set in the component's Properties view. Some attributes have the same name but a different usage in different components. The following table lists all Faces Client properties and the components that use them. You can also refer to the online help in the Properties view with the F1 key.
Attribute In Component Description Alias Web Service Sets a user friendly name for the Web Service. This value can be any name. For example, StockService. Alignment Data Grid Sets data alignment in a column. Use the drop-down list to select one of the following values: Left, Right, Center. Allow multiple selection Data Grid Check this box to allow the user to select multiple columns. Note: You must enable Show selection column before multiple choice is available.
Attribute name Web Service Indicates the Attribute Name to be used as the input parameter or the Attribute Name that will be updated by the response from the Web Service. Bind to Web Service For the input, this points to data in the model that is used as input to the Web Service operation. For the output, this is the data in the model that is updated as the result of the Web Service. Chart components title Graph Sets the title you want to display on the graph. Long titles may cause layout errors. Class name Tree The name of the class of objects being displayed in a particular node in the tree. Informational only. You cannot edit this in the Properties view. Classes Data Grid, Graph, Tree Specifies the style class for the Data Grid, Graph, or Tree View. Close icon Tree Replaces the default icon for a collapsed node. Column content is editable Data Grid Specifies if the cells in a data grid column can be edited. Date Style Data Grid, Graph Sets the date format to be used. Display Charts Graph Indicates which type of chart can be displayed; Pie, Bar, Line. Display content as a hyperlink Data Grid Indicates if the data in the column is underlined. Display second y axis Graph Indicates whether a second y axis is to be displayed on the right in cases where there are exactly two series. Display y values Graph Indicates whether the y values are to be displayed next to the chart objects, for example, pie sections, bars, points. Enable node selection Tree Indicates if a check box appears next to the tree node. Initial Display Graph Indicates which chart will be displayed first when the graph is displayed. Format Data Grid, Graph Specifies the kind of formatting to be applied to the data: String, Date/Time, Number, or Mask. Group Operation Graph The type of group operation to be performed on the data: sum, average (avg), count, minimum (min), maximum (max), first, last. Height Tree, Graph Specifies the height of the component in pixels or percent. If a tree is larger than the height, a scroll bar is displayed. Height Data Grid Indicates how many rows of data is displayed on the page. Id Data Grid, Tree, Graph, Web Service Assigns an ID to the component or subcomponent. This value must be unique on the JSP page. Label Data Grid Displays and sets the column header name. Label value (see Attribute Name) Tree The label to be displayed on a particular type of node in the tree. If the node has any properties, the name can be selected from the drop-down menu. If the node has no properties, you can enter text for the label. Open icon Tree Replaces the default icon for an expanded node. Operation Web Service Sets the name of the Web Service method that you want to call from the specified Web Service. Pattern Data Grid, Graph Specifies the pattern to be used to format Date/Time and Number when the Type of formatting is Custom. Request Element Name Web Service Maps a primitive attribute in the client model to a primitive attribute in the Web Service input schema. Response Element Name Web Service Maps a primitive attribute in the Web Service output schema to a primitive attribute in the client model. Rows can be added/deleted Data Grid Select this check box to allow rows to be added to or deleted from the Data Grid. Row filter Data Grid Identifies an expression to filter (hide) data. For example, to show all prices greater than 50, the expression is: this.getPrice() > 50. Show header bar Data Grid Displays the navigation bar in the header. Show footer bar Data Grid Displays the navigation bar in the footer. Series Name Graph Sets the name that appears on the graph for each series of data. Type in a new name to change the default. Show horizontal grid lines Graph Indicates if horizontal grid lines are displayed on the background for Bar and Line graphs. Show Legend Graph Select this to display a legend next to the chart area. When a single series is being displayed, the legend maps colors to data points. When all the series are being displayed together, the legend maps colors to series names. Show root node Tree Select to display the root node. Show row number Data Grid Indicates if a row number will be displayed for a data grid. Show selection column Data Grid Specifies if a row selection column is displayed for a data grid. Show vertical grid lines Graph Indicates if vertical grid lines are displayed on the background for Bar and Line graphs. Tick marks Graph Indicates the number of horizontal divisions. Overuse of tick marks on a graph could cause layout errors. Time Style Data Grid, Graph Sets the format used for a time string. Type Data Grid Indicates the data format: Number, Date/Time, String, Mask Type Data Grid, Graph Sets the type of selected format. For example, decimal, currency, percent, or custom for Number format. Date only, Date and time for Date/Time format, etc. Value Data Grid, Tree, Graph The Expression Language expression to bind to the client-side data. Y Axis Title Graph Sets the title to display on the y axis. Long titles may cause layout errors.. Width Data Grid, Graph The width of the component or sub component. It may be specified in pixels or percentage. WSDL URL Web Service Specifies the WSDL document URL for the Web Service definition. X-axis title Graph Sets the title to display on the x axis. Long titles may cause layout errors.