Creating a Run configuration to transform your files

You can create a Run configuration to transform your files. A Run configuration enables you to provide more details about the transformation and save them so you can reuse them.

To create a Run configuration,...

  1. Switch to the Java perspective. Click Window > Open Perspective > Other > Java.

  2. Click Run > Run The Run configuration dialog opens.

  3. Select XSL Transformation, right-click it and click New. A new, empty configuration is created.

  4. Select the new configuration.

  5. In the Main page, specify the following

    1. Name - Specify the name of your new configuration.

    2. Project - Specify the project you want your source files to come from.

    3. Source XSL file - Specify your source XSL file.

    4. Source XML file - Specify any source file that contains XML. If you want to specify more than one, click the Batch radio button.

    5. Output file - Specify the name and location of your output file.

  6. Click the Parameters tab. In the Parameters page, you can specify:

    1. Stylesheet Parameters - Click Add to add a new stylesheet parameter Name and Value to this list. In your XSL stylesheet, you can define an xsl:param with a Name. You can use this page to specify a new Value for your parameter or override the existing one.

    2. Output Properties - You can select to override the default output properties specified in your source files. Click F1 for more information about the fields.

    3. Transform Properties - You can specify the Recursion limit and URI base The Recursion limit specifies how many levels you want the transformation to link to and the URI base is a context path you can set so URIs will resolve properly.

  7. Click the JRE tab. This page defines the JRE used to run the application.

    1. Select the Workspace default JRE radio button if you want to use the default workspace JRE.

    2. Otherwise, select the Alternate JRE radio button if you want to select from a list of already defined JREs. Click Installed JREs if you want to add another JRE to your list of options.

      Note: You will also have to specify the Java executable you want to use with the JRE you select.

  8. Click the Classpath tab. The Classpath page defines the location of class files used when running the application. By default, the user and bootstrap class locations are derived from the associated project's build path. You may override these settings here.

  9. Click the Common tab. The page contains the following options:

    1. Specify the type of launch configuration:Local or Shared. If you select Shared, specify the location of the shared configuration.

    2. You can select to display your configuration in both the Debug and Run favorites menu.

    3. The Launch in background check box determines whether the configuration will be launched in the background or not when it is run.

  10. Click Apply to save your changes to the configuration.

  11. Click Run to run the transformation.

The output file is created in the location you specified.

If you want to rerun the transformation at any time, you can open the Run configuration dialog again (Run > Run), select the configuration and click Run.


Parent topic

Transforming and debugging XML and XSL files


Related tasks

Quickly transforming files using XSL stylesheets
Quickly transforming and debugging files using XSL stylesheets
Creating a Debug configuration to transform and debug your files