Define the WebSphere preference

Using the Preference page, you can define the attributes used when creating a WebSphere Application Server. To define these preferences, complete the following:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences window, expand Server and then select WebSphere.

  3. Specify one or more of the following settings:

    Default remote server DB2 location The default DB2 location where the DB2 classes for the remote server reside.
    WebSphere server creation timeout Specifies how long the server tools will wait before timing out, when querying the remote server for information that enables you to create a WebSphere server.
    WebSphere server launch timeout Specifies how long the server tools will wait before timing out, when connecting to the remote server to launch the server.
    Agent controller port The port number for Agent Controller.

    Note: If the communication port number that is configured in the serviceconfig.xml file (found in the directory x:\config, where x is the installation directory of Agent Controller), then the Agent Controller port field needs to be changed to the same port number.

    Shared WebSphere servers Click the Manage button. The Manage Shared WebSphere Servers dialog box opens. To refresh the host address of the server, click Refresh. To remove the shared server, select the server in the table and click Remove.

  4. Click Apply and then OK to save your changes.