JNDI Properties page
The JNDI Properties page of the Universal Test Client allows you to specify the Initial Factory and Provider URL to be used during the JNDI lookup. You can also specify additional JNDI properties.
The JNDI Properties page contains the following fields:
- Initial Factory, a unique class provided by the application server used to communicate with the client. For example, the initial factory for WebSphere Application Server is com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory.
- Provider URL, specifies the host name (and optionally, the port number) for the name server. The provider URL must have the following form (where hostname is the remote name server's host name and port is the port number on which the remote name server is listening): iiop:// hostname:port/ To test enterprise beans running in a different installation of WebSphere Application Server, modify the Provider URL field with the IP address of the remote installation.
- User, specifies the user ID used to connect to the JNDI.
- Password, specifies the password to the user ID.