EJB Beans, Objects and Classes

The EJB Beans, Objects and Classes section of the Universal Test Client allows you to invoke methods on EJB home and remote classes, as well as other objects that you have accumulated. The Universal Test Client section consists of two panes:


References Pane

The information in the References pane is displayed in one of the following sections: EJB Beans, Object, and Classes.

In the EJB Beans section, all EJB objects are grouped with their EJB home interface into an EJB group. When you expand either an EJB home or an EJB object, the methods of that object are shown. Selecting a method populates the Parameters pane. Under the Object section, all non-EJB objects are displayed. Expanding any object will display its methods, and selecting a method will also populate the Parameters pane. The Classes section shows all loaded classes. To create a new instance of one of these classes:

  1. Expand the class.

  2. Select one of its constructors or static methods to populate the Parameters pane.

To load a new class into this pane, click on the Load class link in the References pane.

The Utilities section is tooling for loading classes, working with complex classes and arrays.


Parameters Pane

When you select a method or a constructor in the EJB References pane, the method appears in the Parameters pane where you can modify the parameters that will be used when the method is invoked. If a parameter is a primitive type, you may directly edit the parameter in the provided entry field. Otherwise, various options will appear that allow you to set the parameters to various values.

When you are ready to invoke the method, click the Invoke button. The results of the last method invocation are shown in the Last Results section of the Parameters pane.The Last Results section shows the results of the last method invocation. If the method threw an exception, the exception is shown. If the method returned a value, the value is shown. If the method executed successfully but did not have any return value, the message Method executed successfully is displayed.

If there is a new result, selecting Work with object allows you to place that object into the References pane. This also allows you to inspect this object, invoke it's methods, or use it as a parameter in another method invocation.

If the object is a Collection, Enumeration, or Iterator, select Work with All Contained Objects to place all the contained objects into the References pane.