Use the UDDIPublish tool
After you have deployed and tested a Web service that you created with a command line tool, you can use the UDDIPublish tool from a command line to publish it as a business entity or a business service to a public or private UDDI registry. When publishing a Web service, the tool creates the necessary binding template and tModel elements in the UDDI hierarchy and associates the service with an existing business. By default, the tool publishes to the private registry. To publish to a public registry, see Additional Properties.
To create a private UDDI registry, select File > New > Other. Then, select Web Services and Unit Test UDDI from the lists.
- If you accept all default settings for the Unit Test UDDI, set the inquiry URL to http://localhost:9080/uddisoap/inquiryapi and the publish URL to http://localhost:9080/uddisoap/publishapi. By default, the inquiry URL is http://localhost:6080/uddisoap/inquiryapi and the publish URL is https://localhost:6443/uddisoap/publishapi.
- The Private UDDI Registry should only be configured with the Cloudscape database for very basic testing purposes (do not use Cloudscape for production work as there are currently difficulties with actions such as complex queries). For more information on the Private UDDI Registry, please refer to the Network Deployment documentation in the WebSphere Application Server InfoCenter.
UDDIPublish tool reference
You can use the UDDIPublish tool from a command line to publish a Web service as a business entity or service to a UDDI registry. You can publish to either a public or private registry. Once you have set up your command line, you can use the following syntax and arguments to run the tool:
Parent topic
Publishing and Unpublishing Web services using the command line tools
Command line setup
Before using the UDDIPublish tool, set up the command line as follows:
- From a command prompt, change to the Rational Developer products' bin directory.
- Run the following batch script:
- Windows:
- Linux:
- Change to the directory where you want to publish the business entity or service.
You can now publish a business entity or a business service.
Publishing a business entity
To publish a business entity, run the following in the command prompt (the order of the arguments does not matter):
- Windows: UDDIPublish -business -businessName <name> [<optional arguments>]
- Linux: -business -businessName <name> [<optional arguments>]
See The UDDIPublish tool for a list of mandatory and optional arguments.
A message is returned informing you that the publish operation completed successfully. The unique key for the new business (as generated in the registry) is also displayed.
Publishing a business service
To publish a business service, run the following in the command prompt (the order of the arguments does not matter):
- Windows: UDDIPublish -service -serviceName <name> -businessName <name> -wsdlLocation <URI of WSDL describing new service> -accessPoint <URL of where the new service exists on the network> [<optional arguments>]
- Linux: -service -serviceName <name> -businessName <name> -wsdlLocation <URI of WSDL describing new service> -accessPoint <URL of where the new service exists on the network> [<optional arguments>]
See The UDDIPublish tool for a list of mandatory and optional arguments.
A message is returned informing you that the publish operation completed successfully. The unique keys for the new business service, binding template, and tModel instance are also displayed.
Related Tasks
Creating a Web service with command line tools
Using the UDDIUnpublish toolRelated Reference
UDDIPublish tool reference