Editing Web Services

If a Web service or Web service client has been created with the IBM WebSphere run-time environments, deployment information is generated into the project. In case of a Web service, webservices.xml is generated. In the case of a Web service client, what is generated depends on the J2EE level of the project. If the project has a J2EE level of 1.3, webservicesclient.xml will be generated. If the project has a J2EE level of 1.4, modifications will be made to the existing deployment descriptor for that project. For example, in the case of a Web project, Web service client deployment information will be added to web.xml. webservices.xml and webservicesclient.xml can be edited with the Web Services Editor, and the Web Services Client Editor respectively. You can also edit the settings contained in the binding (ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi and ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi) and extensions (ibm-webservices-ext.xmi and ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi) files using the editor, by selecting the following pages within the editor as appropriate:

In the case of a Web service client in a J2EE 1.4 project, the References and WS Handler pages of the editor for the project's existing deployment descriptor can be used. The extension and binding settings can be edited using the WS Extension and WS Binding pages respectively.

To edit the webservices.xml or webservicesclient.xml file:

  1. Double-click the appropriate XML file, or right-click and select Open with > Web Services Editor or Web Services Client Editor.

  2. Select the appropriate tab to edit:

    • In the Web Services Editor, choose from the following tabs:

      • Web Services page

      • Port Components page

      • Handlers page

      • Security: Security Extensions page

      • Bindings: Bindings page, Binding Configurations page

    • In the Web Services Client Editor, choose from the following tabs:

      • Service References page

      • Handlers page

      • Security: Security Extensions page

      • Bindings: Web Services Client Binding page, Port Binding page

    Changes to the bindings and extensions tabs will be reflected in the bindings and extensions XMI files.

Note: The Web Services Editor does not validate the changes you make.