User-defined UDDI categories

You can define categories for use with your unit test UDDI registry, and populate the categories with values from a category value file. When you deploy, or redeploy, the registry, the back end of the registry is actually configured with the category and values you provide during deployment.

Other users of the registry can import the categories, and map them to values using the same value file. Once a category is mapped to a value file, the values are selectable when you publish or search the registry.

Whether the registry is on your machine, and you have deployed it, or on someone else's machine, and you have opened it, you will need to save the registry to Favorites to preserve the mapping between the category and its value file.

UDDI category file format
You can provide a category file to describe or populate the values in a user-defined category of a unit test UDDI registry. The file can be used to configure or reconfigure a unit test registry, or it can be used to provide descriptions of values in a previously deployed registry.


Parent topic

Defining UDDI categories


Related Concepts

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)

Related Tasks
Defining UDDI categories
UDDI category file format