Enabling Web services capabilities

Several Web services tools and menu items are hidden when you initially install the product. This is to prevent your workspace from being cluttered with tools unrelated to your development tasks. You can enable sets of tools and menu items by enabling the appropriate capabilities.

You do not need to manually enable capabilities; they can be enabled as you use the tools by selecting the Show all check boxes that display in various wizards and then selecting an option that was previously hidden, at which time you will be prompted if you want to enable the related capability. However it may be more convenient to enable all the required capabilities before you begin working so that all the relevant tools and menu items are readily available when you need them.

To enable the capabilities required for Web services development:

  1. Select Window > Preferences > Workbench > Capabilities

  2. From the list of capabilities, select Web Service Developer. This will automatically enable all the Web services tools, as well as the related tools such as portions of Web and server creation.

    Screen capture of the Capabilities preference window.

  3. Select any additional capabilities your development tasks may require, and click OK.


Parent topic

Web services overview