Time required
To complete this tutorial, you will need approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you decide to explore other facets of Web services while working on the tutorial, it could take longer to finish.
In order to complete this tutorial end to end, you should be familiar with:
- Basic Web service concepts and technologies, such as WSDL, WS-I, UDDI, and SOAP
Learning objectives
This tutorial is divided into several exercises that must be completed in sequence for the tutorial to work properly. While completing the exercises, you will:
- Set the WS-I compliance level
- Create a Web project called WebProject
- Import the StockQuoteService bean named
- Create Web service and its WSDL document
- Test the getQuote method using the Web Services Explorer
- Publish and discover your Web service using the IBM UDDI Test Registry
When you are ready, begin Exercise 1.1: Importing the required resources and setting up the workspace