Attributes for Faces components
The following table provides an alphabetical list of attributes found in the Properties views and the All attributes views of Faces components. The table describes each attribute and lists the Faces components that use the attribute.
Each Faces component has a number of attributes you can set. The Properties view (Window > Show View > Properties) shows the most common attributes for each component and is the default view.
The All Attributes view shows all the attributes for a component, To switch to the All Attributes view for a component, click the All Attributes button to the right of the Properties view tab. When you click an attribute in the All Attributes view, a description of the attribute displays next to it.
Note: Some attributes share the same name but have different meanings in different components.
If you are working with Faces media components, you should also refer to Attributes for Faces media components.
Attribute Description In components acceptcharset The character set in which the response to the client is expected. This standard HTML attribute specifies the list of character encodings for input data that is accepted by the server processing this form. The charset values can be separated by spaces or commas. The client must interpret this list as an exclusive-or list, that is, the server is able to accept any single character encoding per entity received. form (Form) accept Specifies a comma-separated list of content types that a server processing this form will handle correctly. fileupload (File Upload), form (Form) accesskey Assigns an access key to the component for accessibility. The access key should be a single keyboard character. At runtime pressing an access key assigned to a component gives focus to the component. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink),fileupload (File Upload), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) actionListener The name of the class that responds to actions. This is only relevant for components that can have actions, such as buttons and links. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink) action Value returned when the component is clicked. The value is passed to the default NavigationHandler, which matches the value against a set of navigation rules defined in the application configuration file. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink) align Alignment for the component. Choices include:
- top
- bottom
- middle
- center
- left
- right
graphicImageEx (Image), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), panelBox (List), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) alt Specifies alternate text for a component, this serves as content when the element cannot be rendered normally such as in browsers don't support forms and browsers set to not display images. commandExButton (Command - Button), fileupload (File Upload), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) archive An attribute associated with the object html tag used to render the Media Components, used to specify a space-separated list of URIs for archives containing resources relevant to the object. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) asis Specify whether data other than masked inputted are removed or not. Default value is false. convertMask autoseparate If autoseparate is set to true, a separator item is automatically inserted between each contained components when rendered. If it is left blank, the default is false and no separator is inserted. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) autostart If autostart is set to true, the rich media file will start playing automatically in the component. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) autoTab Specify whether auto-tabbing is enabled or not. The default value is false. inputHelperAssist backgroundcolor Sets the background color for the image window. When a clip includes transparent regions, the background color also shows through these areas. playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) baseURL Specifies the base URL in which the media player will be operating. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) bgcolor Specifies background color. dataTable (Data Table), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border) bgcolor Color of the movie rectangle before the movie itself appears. The value is expressed in the standard six hexadecimal character RGB color representation (for example, #FFFF00). playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) binding The UIComponent that represents this component, usually in the backing file. column (Data Table Column), commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), jspPanel (Panel - JSP), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) border Specifies the width (in pixels only) of the frame around a table, graphic image, or media player. dataTable (Data Table), graphicImageEx (Image), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) cancelBubble Specify whether the event bubble managed by browsers is cancelled or not. Values include:
- false - Bubbling is enabled, allowing the next event handler in the hierarchy of browsers to receive the event.
- true - This is the default. Bubbling is disabled for this event, preventing the next event handler in the hierarchy from receiving the event.
inputHelperKeybind cellpadding Amount of space between the border of the cell and its contents. If the value of this attribute is a pixel length, all four margins should be this distance from the contents. dataTable (Data Table), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid) cellspacing Specifies how much space the browser should leave between the left side of the table and the left-hand side of the leftmost column, the top of the table and the top side of the topmost row, and so on for the right and bottom of the table. dataTable (Data Table), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid) charset The character encoding of the resource designated by this hyperlink. commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) codebase Specifies the base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by other attributes in the component. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) collapsedImage Specifies a custom image to be displayed when a category is collapsed. panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette) collapsed Specifies the initial collapse state of the category row. Values can be true or false. If left blank, the default is true. panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), cols cols Specifies the number of columns displayed at runtime. inputTextarea (Input - Text Area) columnClasses Assigns a defined CSS stylesheet style for the columns of the data table component. The CSS stylesheet file must be linked into the component's jsp before it can be used. dataTable (Data Table), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), panelGrid (Grid) columns Specifies the number of columns displayed at runtime. panelGrid (Grid) confirm Used to set a string that is to be displayed in a confirmation dialog when a commandExButton is pressed. If no value is set for this attribute, a confirm dialog will not be shown. commandExButton (Command - Button) console When the same console name is specified for multiple control on a Web page, this parameter can be used to enable these controls to manage playback of a single embedded presentation. playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) contentClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component. The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) controls Embeds the specified RealPlayer control on your Web page. playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) converter Specifies the data type to convert the value to. The JavaServer Faces implementation provides a set of Converter implementations that you can use to convert your component data to a type not supported by its renderer. commandExButton (Command - Button), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) coords The position and shape of the hot spot on the screen (for use in client-side image maps). commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) currencyCode Converts the Input Text string to an Input Text Number format. InputText (Number format) currencySymbol Choose from among the currency symbols listed. InputText (Number format) dateStyle Predefined formatting style which determines how the date portion of a date string is to be formatted and parsed. Applied only if type is either "date" or "both." InputText (Date/Time format) decode Used to specify a method to invoke at the decode phase of the scriptCollector component. scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette) dir Component's direction when rendered at runtime. The values can be either:
- ltr - left to right
- rtl - right to left
commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player),playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) disabledClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) disabled If disabled is set to true, the component will be displayed at runtime but will not be functional. If left blank, the default value is false. commandExButton (Command - Button), fileupload (File Upload), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) editStyleClass CSS style class applied to edit pane and controls. commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette) editStyle CSS style applied to edit pane ommandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette) enableContextMenu Specifies whether the context menu appears when the user clicks the right mouse button. Default is true. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) enabledClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) enctype Content type used to submitting the form. form (Form) errorAction Specify an action by one of the predefined actions or JavaScript function, which is invoked when client-side validation results in an error. inputHelperAssist errorClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) errorClass Specify a CSS class for error. The style is reset to the successClass style when a valid key is clicked in the input field. If the successClass is not specified, the css class for input_text is used. When neither errorClass nor successClass is specified, the css class is not reset. You can specify multiple classes (for example: errorClass="class1 class2 class3"). inputHelperAssist errorStyle Style modifiers for the CSS classes. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) escape Specifies whether to escape html formatting, or to render html tags as html. outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputText (Output), verbatim (Verbatim) exclude Mime types to be excluded. fileupload (File Upload) expandedImage Specifies a custom image to be displayed when a category is expanded. panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette) fatalClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) fatalStyle Style modifiers for the CSS classes. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) first Index of the first row to be displayed. dataTable (Data Table) footerClass Assigns a defined CSS stylesheet style for the column headers of the data table component. The CSS stylesheet file must be linked into the component's jsp before it can be used. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid) for Component the helper component is to be applied to. The value should be the Id of the helped component. message (Display Error), outputLabel (Label), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager) frame Specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table will be visible. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border) globalOnly Show only those messages that are not associated with a particular component. messages (Display Errors) groupingsUsed Specifies whether formatted output will contain grouping separators. InputText (Number format) headerClass Assigns a defined CSS stylesheet style for the column headers of the data table component. The CSS stylesheet file must be linked into the component's jsp before it can be used. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid) height Height of the component in either pixels or percentage. To specify percentage, append % to the value. graphicImageEx (Image), inputRichText (Rich Text Area), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) hidden Specifies whether or not to hide the player on a web page. playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player) himage The path to the image for this button. commandExButton (Command - Button) hreflang The language code of the resource designated by this hyperlink commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) hspace Amount of white space in pixels to be inserted to the left and right of the component. graphicImageEx (Image), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) id Assigns a name to a component. Should be a unique name within a JSP. column (Data Table Column), commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRichText (Rich Text Area), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), jspPanel (Panel - JSP), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group), tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) imageKey Used in conjunction with the 'bundle' attribute, the imageKey attribute relates to a key within the set of key = value pairs specified in the bundle, where the value is a URL/URI to an image file. commandExButton (Command - Button) image Specifies an URL/URI to an image for an image hyperlink. commandExButton (Command - Button) imeMode Specify the IME mode. This attribute is valid for Internet Explorer only. Values include:
- auto - This is the default. IME is not affected. This is the same as not specifying the ime-mode attribute.
- active - All characters are entered through the IME. Users can still deactivate the IME.
- inactive - All characters are entered without IME. Users can still activate the IME.
- disabled - IME is completely disabled. Users cannot activate the IME if the control has focus.
To specify IME mode, the "Auto-advance to next control" setting needs to be checked on the Behavior tab of the input component's Attributes view.
inputHelperAssist immediate If true, skip straight to render phase of life cycle. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) infoClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) infoStyle Style modifiers for the CSS classes. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) inputAssist Specify whether client-side auto-formatting is enabled or not. The default value is false (not enabled). inputHelperAssist integerOnly Specifies whether only the integer part of the value will be parsed. InputText (Number format) ismap If set to true, the image component is set to use a Server Side image map. Note that the graphic component must be contained within a hyperlink component. graphicImageEx (Image) key Specify a key expression. inputHelperKeybind label Specifies the displayed text commandExButton (Command - Button) lang Specifies the base language of the component's attribute values and text content. Takes ISO-standard language abbreviation codes (for example, "en" for English, "en-US" for American English, "fr" for French, "de" for German). commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) layout Layout as horizontal or vertical. Options include:
- page_direction = Vertical
- line_direction = Horizontal
messages (Display Errors), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) locale Locale whose predefined styles for dates and times are used during formatting or parsing. If not specified, the locale returned by FacesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale() is used. Input Text - Date/Time locale Locale whose predefined styles for numbers are used during formatting or parsing. If not specified, the locale returned by FacesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale() is used. Input Text - Number longdesc Specifies a link to a long description of the image. This description should supplement the short description provided using the alt attribute. graphicImageEx (Image) loop Specifies whether playback of the clip should continue or loop, indefinitely. playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) Specifies whether the movie repeats indefinitely or stops when it reaches the last frame. Default is true. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) mask Specify an input mask pattern by using mask characters. Use # as a digit placeholder and ? as a letter placeholder. convertMask maxFractionDigits Maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output. InputText (Number format) maxIntegerDigits Maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output. InputText (Number format) maxlength Specifies the maximum length of characters the input component can allow. fileupload (File Upload), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input) menu Specifies the displayed menu type:
- true - displays the full menu, allowing the user a variety of options to enhance or control playback
- false - displays a menu that contains only the Settings option and the About Flash option.
playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) mimeType Used for declaring the media MIME type when src is bound to binary data graphicImageEx (Image), outputLinkEx (Link), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) minFractionDigits Minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output. InputText (Number format) minIntegerDigits Minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output. InputText (Number format) name Name for the component, should be unique within a jsp. fileupload (File Upload) nestedExpanded Expand or collapse the child panelActionbar. Applies only if one panelActionbar is nested inside another. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) nestedImagePosition Places the image before or after the label of the child panelActionbar. Applies only if one panelActionbar is nested inside another. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) nestedIndent Amount by which the submenu of the child panelActionbar will be indented. Applies only if one panelActionbar is nested inside another. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) nestedTitleImage Image to be displayed in the title of the child panelActionbar. Applies only if one panelActionbar is nested inside another. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) nestedTitleText Label of child panelActionbar. Applies only if one panelActionbar is nested inside another. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) noscript Do not use JavaScript with this control. inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette) noshade If this attribute is set to true, a noshade attribute is added to the rendered horizontal rule <HR> tag. This causes the rendered <HR> tag to be displayed in a solid color. If this attribute is set to false or left blank, the browser used will display the <HR> tag in its default way. outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule) numOfTabs Number of tabs to be displayed on the panel. tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) pattern Custom formatting pattern which determines how the date/time string should be parsed. InputText (Date/Time format) pattern Custom formatting pattern which determines how the number string should be formatted and parsed. InputText (Number format) playCount Specifies the number of times a clip plays. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) playerAttributes For adding a list of additional player attributes/parameters, the list should be a comma separated list of name=value pairs. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) pluginsPage Specifies URL containing player code for download. Shown if player is not already installed. playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player) pluginUrl Specifies location of Java Archive (JAR) file containing player code for download. Shown if player is not already installed. playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player) preRender Used to specify a method that is to be invoked at the start of the encodeBegin phase of the scriptCollector, that is, the method is invoked just before the component is rendered. scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette) postRender Used to specify a method that is to be invoked at the end of the encodeEnd phase of the scriptCollector, that is, the method is invoked immediately after the component is rendered. scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette) promptCharacter The underscore character ( _ )is the default character value for the property. The PromptChar property can only be set to exactly one character. inputHelperAssist quality Specifies playing quality:
- low- favors playback speed over appearance and never uses anti-aliasing.
- autolow - emphasizes speed at first but improves appearance whenever possible. Playback begins with anti-aliasing turned off. If the Flash Player detects that the processor can handle it, anti-aliasing is turned on.
- autohigh - emphasizes playback speed and appearance equally at first but sacrifices appearance for playback speed if necessary. Playback begins with anti-aliasing turned on. If the actual frame rate drops below the specified frame rate, anti-aliasing is turned off to improve playback speed. Use this setting to emulate the View > Antialias setting in Flash.
- medium - applies some anti-aliasing and does not smooth bitmaps. It produces a better quality than the Low setting, but lower quality than the High setting.
- high - favors appearance over playback speed and always applies anti-aliasing. If the movie does not contain animation, bitmaps are smoothed; if the movie has animation, bitmaps are not smoothed.
- best - provides the best display quality and does not consider playback speed. All output is anti-aliased and all bitmaps are smoothed.
playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) readonly Specifies that the value of the component cannot be changed from it's initial value. commandExButton (Command - Button), fileupload (File Upload), inputRichText (Rich Text Area), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) redisplay If set to 'true' at runtime, the password asterisks will be redisplayed in same named password fields after submitting the containing form. inputSecret (Input - Password) rel The relationship from the current document to the anchor specified by this hyperlink. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of link types. commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) renderButton Render a button as an accessibility hook for keyboard navigation commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette) rendered Can be set to true or false:
- false - component will not be rendered to the browser at runtime
- true - component will get rendered
column (Data Table Column), commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowAction (Data Table Row action support - not in palette), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), jspPanel (Panel - JSP), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), scriptCollector (Script Collector - not in palette), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size) required The component must be specified. inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit)max selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) rev A reverse link from the anchor specified by this hyperlink to the current document. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of link types. commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) rowClasses A set of classes which are cycled through as the rows are displayed. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid) rows Specifies the number of rows displayed at runtime. dataTable (Data Table), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area) rules Specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid) salign Specifies alignment, values can be l, r, t, b, Default centers the movie in the browser window and crops edges if the browser window is smaller than the movie. Left, Right, Top, and Bottom align the movie along the corresponding edge of the browser window and crop the remaining three sides as needed. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) scale Specifies scale. You can specify the following values:
- showall - This is the default value. It makes the entire movie visible in the specified area without distortion, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the movie.
- No Border - scales the movie to fill the specified area, without distortion but possibly with some cropping, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the movie.
- Exact Fit - makes the entire movie visible in the specified area without trying to preserve the original aspect ratio. Distortion may occur.
playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player) separatorSize Specifies the pixel width of the rendered table cell containing the separators. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) separatorStyle Assigns a defined CSS stylesheet style for the separator. The CSS stylesheet file must be linked into the component's jsp before it can be used. panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar) shape Sets the shape of the link. commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) showBackNextButton Specifies whether "Back" and "Next" buttons are shown for navigating between panels. tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) showDetail Specifies whether the detail part of the error is shown. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) showSummary Specifies whether the summary of the message is shown. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) showTabs Show only this many tabs at a time and display scroller-buttons used to get to the tabs not displayed tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) shuffle Specifies whether all unplayed clips in a presentation, should be played back in a random order. This parameter can be used for multi-clip RAM files (.ram or .rpm) or SMIL files that contain only a sequence of clips playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player) size Specifies the initial width of the component. The width is given in pixels except in the case of a text input component where its value refers to the number of characters. commandExButton (Command - Button), fileupload (File Upload), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit) slantActiveLeft Width of "nip" off the upper left side of the tab, when tab is the selected tab tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) slantActiveRight Width of "nip" off the upper left side of the tab, when tab is the selected tab tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) slantInactiveLeft Width of "nip" off the upper left side of the tab, when tab is NOT the selected tab tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) slantInactiveRight Width of "nip" off the upper right side of the tab, when tab is NOT the selected tab tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) srcFirst The URL to an image representing the first button. pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager) srcLast The URL to an image representing the last button. pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager) srcNext The URL to an image representing the next button. pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager) srcPrevious The URL to an image representing the previous button. pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager) srcSelected URL of image to display when selected. inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette) srcUnselected URL of image to display when unselected. inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette) src Media file to be played. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) standby Specifies a message that a browser may render while loading the component's implementation and data. playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) stretchToFit Takes a true or false value to set whether to maintain the original aspect ratio of the video to be played. Default is false. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) styleClass Space-separated list of CSS style classes to be applied when this element is rendered. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), jspPanel (Panel - JSP), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group), tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) style Specifies CSS style information for the component (for example, style="font-size : 8pt ; color : red"). commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), jspPanel (Panel - JSP), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) successAction Specify an action by one of the predefined actions or JavaScript function, which is invoked when client-side validation results in success. inputHelperAssist successClass Specify a CSS class for success with client-side validation. Multiple classes can be specified. inputHelperAssist summary Summary details string for user agents rendering to non-visual media. dataTable (Data Table), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border) swRemote Controls all Shockmachine functionality and has separate subparameters. playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) swStretchHAlign Specifies horizontal alignment when swStretchStyle is set to meet or stage. Value can be Left, Center or Right. playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) swStretchStyle Stretch style to use for the Shockwave media, values are.. none - no stretching meet - preserve proportions fill - stretch to fill stage - Expand stage size playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) swStretchVAlig Specifies vertical alignment when swStretchStyle is set to meet or stage. Value can be Top, Center, or Bottom. playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) tabindex Specifies the position of the component in the tabbing order in the jsp. This value must be a number between 0 and 32767. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), fileupload (File Upload), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) tabindexStartAt Specifies the number to start the tabindex property at for the categories. Default is 0. panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette) target Specifies the position of the component in the tabbing order in the jsp. This value must be a number between 0 and 32767. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), fileupload (File Upload), graphicImageEx (Image), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) Assigns the target frame within a frameset that a page should be loaded into when the hyperlink is clicked. form (Form), outputLinkEx (Link) Specify the action target by tag id. When the target is not specified and action is set, the default target is the event-source object. inputHelperKeybind targetAction Specify the predefined action. inputHelperKeybind textStyleClass CSS class applied to the text field. This allows the distinction between the input type=submit and input type=text when using ELEMENT.className notation in CSS. pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager) timeStyle Predefined formatting style which determines how the time portion of a date string is to be formatted and parsed. This attribute works only if the type is "time" or "both." InputText (Date/Time format) timeZone Time zone in which to interpret any time information in the date string. InputText (Date/Time format) title Specifies the title text, shown in browser as a tooltip at runtime. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandExRowEdit (Data Table Row Edit support - not in palette), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), form (Form), graphicImageEx (Image), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager), pagerGoto (Data Table Pager - Add Go To Pager), pagerSimple (Data Table Pager - Add Simple Pager), pagerWeb (Data Table Pager - Add Web Style Pager), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size) tooltip Specifies whether detail part of message should be shown as tooltip. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) type Specifies the button type, either SUBMIT or RESET. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), outputLinkEx (Link) type Specifies whether the string value will contain a date, time, or both. InputText (Date/Time format) type Specifies whether the value will be parsed and formatted as a number, currency, or percentage. InputText (Number format) uiMode Appearance of the embedded Windows Media Player. Values include none, mini, full, and invisible. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) useButtons Render text buttons instead of images. pagerDeluxe (Data Table Pager - Add Deluxe Pager) usemap Specifies an image map to be used with the component. The image map is defined by a MAP element. The value of usemap must match the value of the name attribute of the associated MAP element. graphicImageEx (Image) validation Specify whether client-side validation is enabled or not. The default value is true (enabled). inputHelperAssist validator Classname of validator to instantiate. inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) valign Vertical position of data within a cell. Values include top, middle, bottom. panelBox (List) valueChangeListener Method to be notified when value of component has changed. inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), inputTextarea (Input - Text Area), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) value Specifies the initial text value for the component displayed at runtime. commandExButton (Command - Button), commandLink (Command - Hyperlink), dataTable (Data Table), fileupload (File Upload), graphicImageEx (Image), inputHidden (Input - Hidden), inputRichText (Rich Text Area), inputRowSelect (Data Table Row select support - not in palette), inputSecret (Input - Password), inputText (Input), outputFormat (Output - Formatted Text), outputLabel (Label), outputLinkEx (Link), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), outputStatistics (Data Table Pager - Add Pager Statistics), outputText (Output), panelRowCategory (Data Table Row category support - not in palette), selectBooleanCheckbox (Check Box), selectManyCheckbox (Check Box Group), selectManyListbox (List Box - Multiple Select - Size to fit), selectOneListbox (List Box - Single Select - Size to fit), selectOneMenu (List Box - Single Select - Custom size), selectOneRadio (Radio Button Group) variableTabLength Specifies whether tabs will be of different lengths, depending on their name. tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) var Specifies the reference variable name for the data available via the value attribute dataTable (Data Table) volume Volume, in hundredths of decibels ranging from –10,000 to 0. It has a default value of –600. playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player) vspace Amount of white space in pixels to be inserted to the top and bottom of the component. graphicImageEx (Image), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player) warnClass Alternative CSS class names associated with the component The situation in which these are used can be determined from the names. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) warnStyle Style modifiers for the CSS classes. messages (Display Errors), message (Display Error) width Specifies the width of the component in either pixels or percentage. To specify percentage is to be used append % to the value. dataTable (Data Table), graphicImageEx (Image), inputRichText (Rich Text Area), outputSeparator (Horizontal Rule), panelActionbar (Panel - Menu Bar), panelBox (List), panelGrid (Grid), panelLayout (Snap To Border), playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player), playerGenericPlayer (Media - Generic A/V Player), playerMediaPlayer (Media - Windows Media Player), playerRealPlayer (Media - RealOne Player), playerShockwave (Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player), tabbedPanel (Panels - Tabbed) wmode Specifies the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser. Values include:
- window - movie plays in its own rectangular window on a Web page.
- opaque - the movie hides everything on the page behind it.
- transparent - the background of the HTML page shows through all transparent portions of the movie. This option may slow animation performance.
playerFlash (Media- Macromedia Flash Player)
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Faces components
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Using Faces components
Related reference
Faces components reference
Attributes for Faces media components