
A x:previousResultSet action is used to position to the previous result set produced by a x:procedureCall action. Any result sets produced by that action are cached in memory on the application server. One result set is considered to be the current one. The x:getColumn action always operates with respect to a row in the current result set.

This action provides relative movement among result sets. To move to an absolute result set number, use the jsp:setProperty action to set the currentResultSet property of the DBProcedureCall bean.

This action does not establish a connection to the database.



<x:previousResultSet         name = "target bean name" />

The x:previousResultSet action has the following attributes:


The name of the DBProcedureCall bean that contains the cache of result sets. The value is case sensitive and must match a ProcedureCall action that is in scope. This attribute is required unless the action is (directly or indirectly) inside the body of an x:repeat for which the name attribute has been specified. In that case, the name attribute defaults to the same value specified in the closest containing x:repeat.