Creating a button object with the wizard

The Button wizard assists you to create and customize button objects on the canvas.

To create a button object with the wizard:

  1. Select Object > Create Button to launch the Button wizard.

  2. Select a shape from which you want to create the button object. If you wish, use the Preview Actual Size

    PIcture of the Preview actual size button button to preview the actual size of an image. Click Next.

  3. Specify the color, gradation, or texture. By doing the following:

    • To specify a solid color, click the Solid color

      Picture of the Solid Color button button, and select a color from the list.

    • To specify the texture, click the Texture

      Picture of the Texture button button, and select a texture from the list.

    • To specify the gradation, click the Gradation

      Picture of the Gradation button button, and select a gradation from the list.

  4. Click Finish.


Parent topic

Creating a button object
